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时间:2015-03-04 21:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:57.44]What do you want? 你想干嘛? [04:00.31]You gotta get Christopher from daycare. I cant. 你得去托儿所接小克 [04:06.12]Just keep him for the night and Im... And... Just one night. 照顾他一晚,就只有一晚 [04:0
  •   [03:57.44]What do you want? 你想干嘛?
      [04:00.31]You gotta get Christopher from daycare. I can't. 你得去托儿所接小克
      [04:06.12]Just keep him for the night and I'm... And... Just one night. 照顾他一晚,就只有一晚
      [04:09.99]What happened? 发生什么事?
      [04:12.26]I'll pick him up from daycare tomorrow. 我明天会去托儿所接他
      [04:15.93]I'm gonna go right... You can just... 我要去
      [04:17.89]You can drop him off and I'll pick him up. 我会去接他
      [04:20.53]- No. - Come on, Linda. 不行
      [04:24.17]- Why you doing that? - No, I wanna take him to the park. -你为什么要刁难我? -我要先去接他
      [04:28.87]To Golden Gate after daycare tomorrow. 然后带他去金门公园
      [04:34.24]- How is he? - He's fine. -他好吗? -很好
      [04:36.58]All right, just... All right, take him to the park... 你先带他去公园
      [04:39.85]...and bring him back, all right? 然后带他回家,好吗?
      [04:43.85]All right, just bring me my son back. 把我的儿子带回家
      [04:47.79]Okay? 好吗?
      [04:49.89]Linda? 琳达?
      [04:51.63]I'll bring him back around 6. 我会在六点钟带他回去
      [04:55.40]All right, all right. 好
      [04:57.77]Thank you. 谢谢你

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
