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时间:2015-02-25 21:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:29.81]- Taxi! - Mr. Twistle. -计程车! -杜先生 [03:32.25]- Yeah, hi. - Hi. Chris Gardner. -你好 -我是克里斯 [03:35.12]Yeah, hi. Listen. What can I do for you? 你好,我能帮忙吗? [03:37.15]I submitted an applicatio
  •   [03:29.81]- Taxi! - Mr. Twistle. -计程车! -杜先生
      [03:32.25]- Yeah, hi. - Hi. Chris Gardner. -你好 -我是克里斯
      [03:35.12]Yeah, hi. Listen. What can I do for you? 你好,我能帮忙吗?
      [03:37.15]I submitted an application for the intern2 program about a month ago... 我一个月前申请实习课程
      [03:40.42]...and I would just love to sit with you briefly3... 很想坐下来跟你谈谈
      [03:42.86]Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris. 我要去诺伊谷区
      [03:45.03]- Take care of yourself. - Mr. Twistle. -保重了 -杜先生
      [03:48.53]Actually, I'm on my way to Noe Valley also. 怎么这么巧,我也要去那里
      [03:51.10]How about we share a ride? 咱们一起搭车吧
      [03:54.34]- All right, get in. - All right. 好,上车吧
      [04:02.61]So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor... 我服役时有位医官
      [04:05.55]...who loved to play golf, hours every day... 爱打高尔夫球 每天都打个不停
      [04:08.59]...and I would actually perform medical procedures... 他不在的时候
      [04:13.42]...when he'd leave me in the office. 我都替他动手术
      [04:15.19]So I'm used to being in a position where I have to make decisions and... 我很会果断地做出决定
      [04:21.93]Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important... 杜先生,听好,这真的很重要
      [04:24.97]I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible. 不好意思,这玩意真难搞
      [04:29.24]- I can do it. - No, you can't. No one can. -我可以 -才怪,没人办得到
      [04:31.58]- That's bullshit. - No, I'm pretty sure I can do it. -胡扯 -我很确定我能
      [04:34.71]- No, you can't. - Let me see it. -不行啦 -给我看
      [04:38.45]Give it here. 拿给我
      [04:42.65]Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up. 被你弄得乱七八糟
      [04:47.16]Sorry. 抱歉
      [04:49.23]It looks like it works around a swivel, so the center pieces never move. 这种玩具使用转轴系统 中间的方块不会动
      [04:55.40]So if it's yellow in the center, that's the yellow side. 中间是黄色,这一面就是黄色
      [04:58.70]If it's red in the center, that's the red side. 中间是红色,这一面就是红色

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
