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时间:2015-02-25 21:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:18.05]- Did you forget? - Forget what? -你忘了吗? -忘了什么? [01:22.89]Youre not supposed to have any of those. 你要把机器卖出去 [01:25.59]- Yeah, I know. - You have two now. -我知道 -可是你现在有两台耶 [
  •   [01:18.05]- Did you forget? - Forget what? -你忘了吗? -忘了什么?
      [01:22.89]You're not supposed to have any of those. 你要把机器卖出去
      [01:25.59]- Yeah, I know. - You have two now. -我知道 -可是你现在有两台耶
      [01:43.67]Hey, Mom. 嗨,妈
      [01:50.65]One, two, three! 一、二、三
      [01:55.59]- That's a basketball! - Hey, hey. What do you mean? -这是一颗篮球 -嘿,嘿,你在说什么?
      [01:58.92]You don't know that that's a basketball. 你又不知道是篮球
      [02:00.86]This could be an ant farm. This could be a microscope or anything. 也许是蚂蚁农场或是显微镜
      [02:04.96]- No, it's not. - There, there. 才不是咧
      [02:07.87]All right, come on. Open him up. Open him up. 来吧,把礼物拆开来
      [02:16.77]- That paper's a little heavy, huh? - Yeah, but I got it. -包装纸有点厚哦 -我拆得开
      [02:32.42]You should've seen me out there today. 你一定会佩服我
      [02:35.19]Somebody stole a scanner. I had to run the old girl down... 有人偷走扫描机,我得抢回来
      [02:37.93]Whatever. 随便你啦
      [02:41.10]- What? - Whatever, Chris. -什么? -随便你怎么说
      [02:44.77]What the hell you got attitude about? 你那是什么态度?
      [02:46.80]- "Whatever" what? - Every day's got some damn story. 你每次都有不同的借口
      [02:49.81]Hey, Roy. Roy! 嘿,罗伊!罗伊!
      [02:51.38]Can you beat your little rug when nobody's out here? 有人在不要拍毯子,好吗?
      [02:53.88]There's dust and shit all over. 到处都是灰尘
      [02:55.51]- I'm trying to keep a clean house. - Hey, wait a second. -我在打扫房子耶 -等一下
      [02:58.12]Look, Linda, relax. 听好,别紧张
      [03:01.08]We're gonna come out of this. Everything is gonna be fine, all right? 我会想办法,不会有事的
      [03:05.52]You said that before, when I got pregnant. "lt'll be fine." 你之前也说过 我怀孕后,你也说不会有事
      [03:09.63]- So you don't trust me now? - Whatever. I don't care. -你现在不相信我了? -随便啦,我不在乎

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
