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时间:2015-02-04 21:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:19.60]各位 尽情参观吧 但千万别伸手摸 Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves, but just dont touch anything. [03:23.93]懂吗? 去吧 Okay? Go on. [03:25.33]快去啊 Go on, scoot. [03:38.18]旺卡先生 这是什么? Hey, Mr. Wonk
  •   [03:19.60]各位  尽情参观吧 但千万别伸手摸 Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves, but just don’t touch anything.
      [03:23.93]懂吗?  去吧 Okay? Go on.
      [03:25.33]快去啊 Go on, scoot.
      [03:38.18]旺卡先生  这是什么? Hey, Mr. Wonka, what’s this?
      [03:42.45]我示范给你看 Let me show you.
      [03:46.02]谢谢你 Thank you.
      [03:47.46]这是永远吃不完的石头弹子糖 These are Everlasting Gobstoppers.
      [03:49.83]专门给零用钱很少的小孩吃 They’re for children who are given very little allowance.
      [03:52.66]你可以含着一整年 永远不会变小 You can suck on it all year, and it’ll never get any smaller.
      [03:56.40]-很棒吧?  -像口香糖一样 -Isn’t that neat? -It’s like gum.
      [03:59.30]不对  口香糖要嚼 No. Gum is for chewing.
      [03:62.04]若想嚼这种石头弹子糖... If you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers...
      [03:64.44]你的小牙齿会碎光光 you’d break all your little teeth off.
      [03:66.64]但真的是好吃极了 But they sure do taste terrific.
      [04:16.19]这是生发太妃糖 And this is Hair Toffee.
      [04:18.82]只要吃了这种糖果... You suck down one of these little boogers...
      [04:21.32]过了半个小时之后... and in exactly half an hour...
      [04:23.43]你会开始长出全新的头发 a brand-new crop of hair will grow out over the top of your little noggin.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
