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时间:2015-01-27 21:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.17]牙膏工厂希望我能休息一阵子 Oh, well, the toothpaste factory thought theyd give me a bit of time off. [00:05.77]像暑假一样? Like summer vacation? [00:07.81]对 就是那样 Sure. Something like that. [00:13.54]其实
  •   [00:01.17]牙膏工厂希望我能休息一阵子 Oh, well, the toothpaste factory thought they’d give me a bit of time off.
      [00:05.77]像暑假一样? Like summer vacation?
      [00:07.81]对  就是那样 Sure. Something like that.
      [00:13.54]其实他根本不是放什么假 In fact, it wasn’t like a vacation at all.
      [00:18.52]糖果卖得好 结果蛀牙的人就变多了... The upswing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities...
      [00:22.96]牙膏的销售量也随之提升 which led to a rise in toothpaste sales.
      [00:30.66]工厂赚了大钱 就决定要现代化... With the extra money, the factory had decided to modernize...
      [00:35.03]结果巴格特先生失业了 eliminating Mr. Bucket’s job.
      [00:43.84]我们原本就已经三餐不继 We were barely making ends meet as it was.
      [00:46.61]你会找到新工作的 You’ll find another job.
      [00:48.85]在此之前我就...我就把汤稀释一点 Until then, I’ll just...Well, I’ll just thin down the soup a little more.
      [00:54.45]放心吧  巴格特先生 我们会转运的 Don’t worry, Mr. Bucket, our luck will change.
      [00:58.83]我有信心 I know it.
      [01:04.13]查理 Charlie.
      [01:21.98]我的私房钱 My secret hoard.
      [01:27.15]咱们爷俩再试一次手气  看看... You and I are going to have one more fling...
      [01:31.19]能不能找到最后一张金奖券 at finding that last ticket.
      [01:34.26]你确定要把钱花在这上面? You sure you want to spend your money on that?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
