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时间:2015-01-14 21:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:31.07]Bye. 拜 [03:59.00]Darling, youre family, 亲爱的 你不是外人 [04:02.40]so I think youll understand why Im telling you youre a total idiot. 所以你应该明白我为什么说你是个大傻瓜 [04:08.37]Okay, okay, then do
  •   [03:31.07]Bye. 拜
      [03:59.00]Darling, you’re family, 亲爱的 你不是外人
      [04:02.40]so I think you’ll understand why I’m telling you you’re a total idiot. 所以你应该明白我为什么说你是个大傻瓜
      [04:08.37]Okay, okay, then don’t sugarcoat it, Gran. 好的 别先扬后抑 奶奶
      [04:11.17]I won’t. 我不会的
      [04:12.48]How many Sophies do you think there are on this planet? 你觉得这个地球上有多少个索菲?
      [04:19.35]Don’t wait 50 years like I did. 别像我一样等上50年
      [04:25.29]Go. Go! Go! 去吧 去!
      [00:19.01]I missed you so much! So much. 我好想你! 好想你
      [00:44.10]...in person because I couldn’t send you an e-mail, ...当面 因为我不能给你发邮件
      [00:46.60]Because it was... It just didn’t make sense,  因为这太... 这说不通啊
      [00:49.04]because I know you were having... 因为我知道你在...
      [00:52.44]One second. 稍等
      [00:54.21]Hello? Hey. Yeah, yeah. 喂 嘿 是的
      [00:57.65]We just have to sort out all the deliveries that we need to make.  我们要把所有的包裹分类
      [01:00.27]I mean... 我是说...
      [01:38.45]What happened? 怎么了?
      [01:40.32]You don’t like the ending? 你不喜欢这结局?
      [01:42.13]No, the ending’s fine. It’s actually quite moving. 不 结局挺好的 说实话还挺动人的
      [01:44.46]But what happened to the people? I mean, are they still together? 但是他们怎么样了? 他们还在一起吗?
      [01:47.26]What about... What about the kid? What about Charlie? Where’s he? 那... 孩子怎么办? 查理呢? 他在哪儿?
      [01:51.60]I don’t know. I didn’t keep in touch. 不知道 没有跟他保持联系
      [01:57.64]Do you have any advice? 你要提建议吗?
      [02:00.58]I think you should buy stock in Alitalia, 我觉得你应该去买意大利航空公司的股票
      [02:04.38]’cause all the ladies are gonna be flocking to Verona. 因为所有的女士们会疯一般地跑去维罗纳

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