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时间:2014-10-03 21:36来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.70]-How does Tommy feel about this? -He doesnt know. No one does. -汤米对此怎么看? -他还不知道呢,没人知道。 [00:06.23]-Not even her? -No one. -她呢? -也不知. [00:09.44]Joanie! Betty! 琼! 贝蒂! [00:11.14]Yo
  •      [00:02.70]-How does Tommy feel about this? -He doesn’t know. No one does. -汤米对此怎么看? -他还不知道呢,没人知道。
      [00:06.23]-Not even her? -No one. -她呢? -也不知.
      [00:09.44]Joanie! Betty! 琼! 贝蒂!
      [00:11.14]You are this close to getting everything you ever wanted. 你距离你想得到的就差这么一点儿.
      [00:14.28]And this close to losing it. 而距离失去它们也只有这么一点儿.
      [00:28.19]I just got a call. They need me in New York tomorrow. 我刚接到一个电话. 他们让我明天到纽约去.
      [00:31.03]Joan and Tommy are here. Can’t you leave in the morning? 琼和汤米还在这儿呢. 你不能明天走吗?
      [00:34.00]Then I’d miss the meeting. Sorry, guys. We take a rain check? 那我会错过会议的. 抱歉,朋友们. 我们延期好吗?
      [00:38.07]-Sure, buddy. -We’ll see you in the new year. -当然,朋友. -新的一年里见.
      [00:40.50]Happy and merry. 新年并圣诞快乐.
      [00:45.87]I’ll call you in the morning. 明早给你打电话.
      [01:00.99]Coffee? 要咖啡吗?
      [01:08.20]Guess who has an early Christmas present? 猜猜谁先得到圣诞礼物?
      [01:11.27]-Oh, my! How can you live like this? -Like what? -噢,你怎么能这么生活? -怎么了?
      [01:15.07]We’ll just wait for you to tidy up a bit. 我们只好等你先收拾一下了.
      [01:17.61]In this lifetime? It’ll never happen. Come here, beautiful. 这辈子别指望了? 她从未收拾过. 抱一下, 美人.
      [01:25.11]What are you doing here? 你怎么来啦?
      [01:28.35]-You still like it here? -I do. I like getting to know the girls. -你还喜欢待在这儿? -是的. 我愿意逐步去了解这些女孩子.
      [01:33.12]Most of the time. 绝大多数时间里.
      [01:35.36]-And the weather. -Yeah, the weather’s nice. -气候呢. -气候挺不错.
      [01:38.06]-Are you freezing? -Yeah. -你不冷吗? -冷啊.
      [01:39.73]-Your lips are a little blue. -I like them that way. -你的嘴唇都变蓝了. -我喜欢它们这样.
      [01:42.60]Why didn’t you bring a coat? 给你穿件外套吧?
      [02:09.26]Bill. 比尔.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
