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时间:2014-10-03 21:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:13.50]-Our weather hasnt scared you away? -I love it here. -这儿的气候没令你退缩? -我喜欢这里. [02:17.40]Do you? 是吗? [02:19.10]Ive been getting some calls about your teaching methods, Katherine. 有人向我投诉你的
  •   [02:13.50]-Our weather hasn’t scared you away? -I love it here. -这儿的气候没令你退缩? -我喜欢这里.
      [02:17.40]Do you? 是吗?
      [02:19.10]I’ve been getting some calls about your teaching methods, Katherine. 有人向我投诉你的教学方式, 凯瑟琳.
      [02:23.24]They’re a little unorthodox... 有些不正规...
      [02:26.91]...for Wellesley. ...对于韦尔斯利学院来说.
      [02:29.18]-We are traditionalists, Katherine. -Yes, I noticed. -我们是传统主义者, 凯瑟琳. -是, 我注意到了.
      [02:32.68]So if you’d like to stay here.... 所以说如果你想继续在这儿....
      [02:35.38]-ls that a question? -More a discussion. -有问题吗? -问题很大.
      [02:38.72]-About my staying here? -You’ll have your formal review in May. -关于我能否留下来? -五月份会对你的工作做个正式的评估.
      [02:43.79]Until then... 在那以前...
      [02:46.30]...a little less modern art. ...少讲一点儿现代艺术吧.
      [02:49.73]Happy holidays. 节日快乐.
      [02:51.80]And to you. 也祝你.
      [02:59.57]-Afternoon. -Oh, hi-- -下午好. -哦,嗨--
      [03:06.78]I hope you get that ring! 祝愿你戴上戒指!
      [03:09.58]Bye, girls, see you next year. Have a safe trip. 再会,姑娘们,明年见. 一路平安.
      [03:21.33]So, what’s the big hush-hush secret? 那么,神秘兮兮的大事是什么啊?
      [03:24.60]Are we gonna hear the pitter-patter of little Spencers? 小斯宾赛?
      [03:28.14]Stop. They’ll tell us when they’re ready. 别说了. 他们准备好会告诉我们的.
      [03:30.54]Are you ready? 准备好了吗?
      [03:32.34]Is she the cutest? You are the cutest. Come here, you. 她可真逗?  你真是可爱. 来,亲爱的.
      [03:40.95]Spencer’s been made junior partner. 斯宾赛已经升任助理合伙人了.
      [03:44.79]-lt is about time. -And it’s a significant raise too! -是时间该告诉我们了. -这可是一个重要的升迁!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
