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时间:2014-09-03 21:05来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:52.65]Ok Buzz, make the call. 好的 巴斯 打电话吧 [01:07.33]- Target is on approach. - Just like we rehearsed it guys. - 目标正在靠近 - 就跟我们排练的情形一样 伙计们 [01:27.74]Hello. Hello. Anyone there? 喂 喂
  •   [00:52.65]Ok Buzz, make the call. 好的 巴斯 打电话吧
      [01:07.33]- Target is on approach.  - Just like we rehearsed it guys. - 目标正在靠近  - 就跟我们排练的情形一样 伙计们
      [01:27.74]Hello. Hello. Anyone there? 喂 喂 有人吗?
      [01:33.02]- Molly, stay out of my room.  - I wasn’t in your room. - Molly 别进我的房间  - 我没去你房间
      [01:37.18]- Then who was messing with my stuff?  - It wasn’t me. - 那是谁在乱搞我的东西?  - 不是我
      [01:46.65]- Well, that went well.  - He held me! He actually held me! - 哈 进展还真顺利  - 他拿起我了! 他真的拿起我了!
      [01:53.31]- Uh, this is just sad.  - Who we kidding? The kid’s 17 years old.  - 呃 真悲哀  - 我们在骗谁啊? 这孩子已经17岁了
      [01:57.31]We ain’t ever getting played with. 我们不能再在一起玩了
      [02:03.14]Guys, hey, hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone, a staff meeting. 大伙儿 嗨 等一下 我们得开个全体会议 大家都过来 开全体会议
      [02:07.83]- Oh, not again.  - Oh come on. Sling, gather everyone up. - 哦 别又开会  - 哦 拜托 弹簧狗 把大家都召集来
      [02:11.10]Uh, we are together, Woody. 呃 我们都在啊 伍迪
      [02:14.22]Ok. Uh, first off ... we all knew "Operation Playtime" was a long shot. 好的 呃 首先... 我们都知道"游戏时间"这个计划成功的希望很渺茫
      [02:20.20]- More like a misfire.  - But we’ve always said this job isn’t about getting played with - 貌似失败了  - 但我们一直说我们的目的不是玩耍
      [02:25.06]- it’s about ...  - Being there for Andy. We know. - 而是为了...  - 陪在安迪身边 我们知道
      [02:27.69]But we can try again, right? 但我们可以再试一次 对吗?
      [02:30.92]- I’m calling it guys. We’re closing up shop.  - What? - 哦 还是算了 各位 我们就此打住吧  - 什么?
      [02:34.13]Andy’s going to college anyday now. 现在安迪要去上大学了
      [02:37.07]That was our last shot. 刚才的行动就是我们最后的机会
      [02:39.27]We’re going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times. 我们要转移到阁楼上了 伙计们 保证你们的附件佩戴齐全
      [02:42.82]Spare parts, batteries ... anything you need for an orderly transition. 备用零件 电池... 把需要的所有东西都带上 有序搬迁
      [02:46.23]Orderly? Don’t you get it? We’re done! Finished. Over the hill. 有序? 你还不明白吗? 我们玩完了! 结束了 风光不再了
      [02:49.91]Hey, hey, hey. Come on guys. We all knew this day was coming. 嘿 嘿 嘿 拜托了 各位 我们都知道这一天迟早会来临

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
