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时间:2014-08-24 22:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:44.40]What? 什么? [00:51.77]◎ Hya! ◎ [00:54.94]Oh, whats happening? 哦,怎么啦? [00:56.51]- Where you going? - Where they going? - 你们去哪儿? - 他们去哪儿? [00:58.04]- See you later, sweetheart. - Oh dear,
  •   [00:44.40]What?  什么?
      [00:51.77]◎ Hya! ◎
      [00:54.94]Oh, what's happening?  哦,怎么啦?
      [00:56.51]- Where you going? - Where they going?  - 你们去哪儿? - 他们去哪儿?
      [00:58.04]- See you later, sweetheart. - Oh dear, look at that.  - 待会儿见,宝贝 - 哦亲爱的,你看哪
      [01:03.21]Allie, I've been thinking a lot about why we shouldn't get married.  艾丽,我一直在想 为什么我们还不结婚
      [01:05.98]Okay, I give up, why shouldn't we get married?  好吧,我放弃 为什么我们还不结婚?
      [01:08.65]Well see, that's the thing, I couldn't think of anything at first.  嗯,一开始,我一直想不通
      [01:11.19]An then, it just dawned on me. Your parents...  然后,我刚才终于想通了 是因为你的父母……
      [01:14.03]- My parents? - Absolutely.  - 我的父母? - 没错
      [01:15.89]- Your old mom and dad. Thank you for that.  - 你的老爸和老妈 多亏了你们
      [01:17.86]Mom?  老妈?
      [01:19.23]You see, the problem is that they love me.  你看,问题在于他们喜欢我
      [01:20.83]- I'm exactly the type of man - They do.  我正是他们希望你找的人
      [01:22.43]- they want you to end up with. - Really?  真的吗?
      [01:24.20]You know, I'm wealthy, I'm from the South, I got a decent job.  你瞧,我很有钱 我来自南方,还有份体面的工作
      [01:27.81]You know, I'm an incredible dancer, I'm a really smart guy.  还有,我的舞跳得很棒 我真的很聪明
      [01:31.14]You look great.
      [01:33.64]- I like to think-- - So what's the problem, huh?  - 我想…… - 那问题在哪儿呢?
      [01:36.15]- Now just this, if you marry me-- - Mm-hmm.  - 就是这个问题,如果你嫁给我…… - 怎样?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
