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时间:2014-08-11 21:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:10.72]Im going get... [01:12.69]Here I come! [01:14.19]You better run fast! [01:26.31]You ketchum Polecat far and squar. [01:34.58]Wait for me. 等等我 [01:37.28]What happened in that movie? 刚才电影里都讲了些什么? [01:40
  •   [01:10.72]I'm going get...
      [01:12.69]Here I come!
      [01:14.19]You better run fast!
      [01:26.31]You ketchum Polecat far and squar.
      [01:34.58]Wait for me.  等等我
      [01:37.28]What happened in that movie?  刚才电影里都讲了些什么?
      [01:40.65]- Here you go. - Thank you.  - 上车吧 - 谢谢
      [01:44.29]- What are you guys doing? - Want to walk with me?  - 你们俩在干嘛? - 想和我一起走走吗?
      [01:46.46]Yeah, what's going on?  怎么啦?
      [01:47.49]- Yeah. - We're gonna walk.  - 是啊 - 我们打算走回去
      [01:48.96]Do you guys love each other?  你们俩是不是好上了?
      [01:51.50]Huh? Oh, I get it.  啊? 哦我明白了
      [01:53.83]- You guys do love each other. - Don't do anything I wouldn't do.  - 看来你们俩真的是好上了 - 坚守最后一块阵地哦
      [01:56.67]Okay, good bye.  好的,再见
      [01:57.80]- All right, all right. - Mmm...  - 好了,好了 - 嗯……
      [02:04.38]That was fun.  真有趣
      [02:06.48]Mm-hmm.  是啊
      [02:08.38]I haven't seen a movie in ages.  我已经好几年没看电影了
      [02:10.82]- Really? - Huh-uh.  - 真的? - 是啊
      [02:12.62]Not since I was a little kid.  还是小时候看的
      [02:15.46]What?  是吗?
      [02:17.09]No, l, uh...  不,我……
      [02:18.93]I'm busy, you know, I don't have a lot of time.  我很忙 没什么时间
      [02:22.83]- You're busy? - Mm-hmm.  - 你很忙? - 是啊
      [02:24.30]I have a very strict schedule.  我每天的时间都安排得死死的
      [02:27.93]My days are all planned out.  一点空闲都没有
      [02:29.74]I get up in the morning-- breakfast, math tutor, Latin tutor, lunch,  早上爬起来…… 早饭,数学课,拉丁语课,午饭……

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
