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时间:2014-07-26 14:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:36.55]Whats a ninja? 什么是忍者? [01:38.63]Bring out the secret weapon. 拿出秘密武器 [01:51.69](ALL EXCLAIMING) [01:54.07]Ive been looking for that. 我找了半天了 [01:57.07]Yeah. Oh. [01:59.11]- Viva la Roboto-lution!
  •   [01:36.55]What's a ninja? 什么是“忍者”?
      [01:38.63]Bring out the secret weapon. 拿出秘密武器
      [01:51.69](ALL EXCLAIMING)
      [01:54.07]I've been looking for that. 我找了半天了
      [01:57.07]Yeah. Oh.
      [01:59.11]- Viva la Roboto-lution! - Viva la Roboto-lution! 机器人解放者!
      [02:00.66]HAMEGG: My fellow Surface dwellers, today is the day you've all been waiting for! 我亲爱的地面居民 今天是你们期待的大日子
      [02:04.95]Give him a hand, folks, the kid in the red boots! 给他点掌声,那个穿红鞋的孩子
      [02:08.21]He's the one who got this killing machine up and running! 是他让这个杀戮机器重新启动!
      [02:11.42]Look out, Hamegg. 当心点,哈马
      [02:16.55]You are the golden child. Hamegg really likes you. 你是他的宠儿 哈马喜欢你
      [02:19.43]I like him, too. 我也喜欢他
      [02:20.97]What's he mean by "killing machine"? 什么是“杀戮机器”?
      [02:22.93]Well, the robots fight until one of them is destroyed. 机器人格斗,直到其中一方毁灭
      [02:25.39]What? 什么?
      [02:26.43]CORA: Don't worry. Zog is gonna crush them all. 别担心,阿丧会让他们全灭
      [02:29.19]ASTRO BOY: That's what happens at the Robot Games? 这就是机器人大赛?
      [02:30.98]CORA: Well, what did you expect? Rock, paper, scissors? 你以为是什么? 石头,剪刀,布?
      [02:33.44]- Who's the robot? - I'm the robot! - 谁是冠军? - 我是冠军!
      [02:39.11]- No mercy! - No mercy! - 毫不留情! - 毫不留情!
      [02:40.49]- No mercy! - No mercy! No mercy! No mercy! - 毫不留情! -- 毫不留情!毫不留情!
      [02:47.87]- Mercy? - Nice knowing you, kid. - 留情? - 很高兴认识你,孩子
      [02:50.41]ASTRO BOY: I thought it was a show, not a slaughter. 我还以为是表演 不是屠杀
      [02:52.33]HAMEGG: They're just robots, son. ASTRO BOY: I thought you liked robots. - 他们只是机器 - 我以为你机器人

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
