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时间:2014-07-26 14:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:44.36]Speaking of which, are any of you misfits hungry? 说到这,你们饿了没? [03:49.16]Let me guess, take-out pizza again? 不会又是外卖的批萨? [03:52.45]More like taken out of the trash again! 还不如说外卖的垃
  •   [03:44.36]Speaking of which, are any of you misfits hungry? 说到这,你们饿了没?
      [03:49.16]Let me guess, take-out pizza again? 不会又是外卖的批萨?
      [03:52.45]More like "taken out of the trash" again! 还不如说“外卖的垃圾”
      [03:55.25]Picky, picky. It's only a couple of days old. 别挑剔了,只是过期了几天
      [03:58.46]Look, this one still has toppings! 看,这个还有配料
      [04:01.21]Oh! 哇!
      [04:02.96]Hey, haven't you forgotten something? 嘿,你们忘记了什么?
      [04:07.01]What have they forgotten, son? 他们忘记了什么,小子?
      [04:10.14]- Grace? - Exactly. Grace! - 斯文? - 对了,就是斯文!
      [04:13.43]- What? - Turn on the TV, sweetheart, - 什么? - 打开电视,宝贝
      [04:15.64]would you, please? There's a dear. 麻烦你了
      [04:19.40]Well, bon appétit. 食欲大增
      [04:21.82]Yo, new guy, you gonna eat that? 新来的,你吃不吃?
      [04:23.98]You can have it if you want it. 你想要就吃了吧
      [04:25.44]Don't be so nice. 别这么客气
      [04:26.61]You're gonna starve to death or be the only survivor. 客气当不了饭吃
      [04:31.16]So, tell me, Astro, do your folks know where you are? 告诉我,阿童木 你家人知道你在哪吗?
      [04:34.79]I don't have any parents. 我没有父母
      [04:37.08]How very sad. Did you lose them? Or, even sadder, did they lose you? 多可怜,他们过世了? 或者是他们抛弃你了?
      [04:42.09]No. The truth is I'm actually a... 不是,其实我是个…
      [04:47.67]I'm a ... 是个…
      [04:49.63]A what? 什么?
      [04:51.51]HAMEGG: Don't worry, son. 别担心,小子
      [04:52.64]We're all orphans down here. Nothing to be ashamed about. 我们个个都是孤儿 没啥好害羞的
      [04:57.56]So, none of you have parents? 那么你们都没有家长?
      [04:59.35]Parents? Are you kidding me? 家长?你开玩笑吧?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
