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时间:2014-07-26 14:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:32.21]We wouldve gotten better stuff, but the... 我们本来可以找得更好 [02:33.92](EXCLAIMS) [02:39.38]Well, well. 算了,算了 [02:40.88]His names Astro. Hes from Metro City. 他的名字是阿童木,来自大都会 [02:43
  •   [02:32.21]We would've gotten better stuff, but the... 我们本来可以找得更好…
      [02:39.38]Well, well. 算了,算了
      [02:40.88]His name's Astro. He's from Metro City. 他的名字是阿童木,来自大都会
      [02:43.72]Metro City? Wow, I used to work there once upon a time. 大都会,我曾经在那工作
      [02:47.85]Really? 真的?
      [02:49.43]Why am I running a crummy body repair shop down here 你是不是想问 如果我能在大都会制造先进的机器人
      [02:52.06]when I could be creating state-of-the-art robots in Metro City? 为什么还要窝在这种地方?
      [02:55.40]No, I didn't mean to... 不,我没这个意思…
      [02:56.48]Relax, son. We're famiy here. We're allowed to ask questions. 别紧张,孩子,我们这都是一家人 你可以随便问
      [03:00.86]The answer is I love robots, especially the discarded ones. 因为我热爱机器人 特别是被抛弃的
      [03:05.74]The more banged-up they are, the more abused, 被毁的越严重,被抛弃的越多
      [03:08.03]the more I like getting them back on their feet. 我就越想帮他恢复原状
      [03:12.91]- Oh, wow. - It's almost a religious thing with me, 对我来说是一个信仰
      [03:16.67]kind of like the way saints feel about the poor 就像圣人对待穷苦人民
      [03:19.54]or women feel about shoes or fat people feel about donuts 女人对待鞋子 或者胖子对待甜甜圈
      [03:23.92]or... I'll stop with fat people and donuts. 或者… 我还是点到为止吧
      [03:27.59]So, you're not into enslaving robots? 你不是为了奴役机器人
      [03:30.60]- What? - He ran into the RRF. - 什么? - 他进过RRF
      [03:33.93]I don't enslave robots. I love robots! 我没有奴役机器人 我热爱他们
      [03:39.73]They're our friends, and we rely on them for our daily bread. 他们是我们的朋友 我们需要他们

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
