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时间:2014-07-20 19:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:16.36]Listen, Tenma, Ive got an election to win. 听着,天马,还有个选举等我去赢 [03:19.32]I need my robot to be a fighter, not a lover. 我要的机器人是战士 不是爱人 [03:22.99]- Load the red one. - I wont. - 装载
  •   [03:16.36]Listen, Tenma, I've got an election to win. 听着,天马,还有个选举等我去赢
      [03:19.32]I need my robot to be a fighter, not a lover. 我要的机器人是战士 不是爱人
      [03:22.99]- Load the red one. - I won't. - 装载红色 - 我不能够
      [03:25.24]Well, then I'll do it. Move over, sweetheart. 那么我自己来,让开,甜心
      [03:27.83]- Hey! - No! - 嘿 - 不
      [03:31.29]It's like a video game. 就像玩游戏
      [03:40.68]Core loaded. 内核装载
      [03:43.30]Piece of cake. 小意思
      [03:44.85]HECKLER: Activate weapon drones. 启动无人机攻击
      [03:53.36]DRONE: I hate this job. 我恨这工作
      [03:58.86]I gotta get a better look. 我要找个好地方看
      [04:00.53]SOLDIER 1: Time to check the classifieds. SOLDIER 2: I hear you. 该检查分类了 我听到了
      [04:10.33]STONE: It's using that drone against the other drones. How's that possible? 它在用无人机对付无人机 怎么可能?
      [04:13.29]TENMA: It's called "adaptive technology." It can absorb and control anything. 这叫做“吸融技术” 让他能吸收控制任何东西
      [04:16.55]STONE: Well, I may have flunked out of college, 在大学我也许逃课了
      [04:18.09]but I was right about the Red Core. 但是我对红核的判断正确
      [04:20.01]You scientists think you're the only ones with the brains. 不是只有你们科学家 才会用脑
      [04:26.01]Huh? Sir? 先生?
      [04:41.15]Dad! Dad! 爸爸!爸爸!
      [04:43.91]- Toby! - Dad! - 透比! - 爸爸!
      [04:46.12]I can't open it! I can't open it! 我打不开!我打不开!
      [04:49.54]Help me, Dad! Help! 救救我!爸爸,救命
      [04:51.37]- Toby! - Dad! - 透比! - 爸爸
      [04:53.08]TENMA: It's going to be okay, Toby. I'm going to get you out! 会没事的,透比 我会把你救出来的
      [04:56.63]Everything's going to be fine, I promise.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
