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时间:2014-07-20 19:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:30.63]What are you doing? Stop! 你在干嘛?住手! [01:33.05]- Keep the cores apart or youll kill us all! - Do as he says. - 把两个核分开!否则会害死大家! - 照他说的做 [01:37.97]This is outrageous! What are yo
  •   [01:30.63]What are you doing? Stop! 你在干嘛?住手!
      [01:33.05]- Keep the cores apart or you'll kill us all! - Do as he says. - 把两个核分开!否则会害死大家! - 照他说的做
      [01:37.97]This is outrageous! What are you intending to do with it? 太过分了! 你想干什么?
      [01:41.39](CHUCKLES) I'm gonna give the people of this city 我要给这个城市人们一个理由…
      [01:44.48]- a reason to re-elect me. - How? - 再次选我当总统 - 怎么?
      [01:46.85]The only way you can, Doctor. I'm gonna kick some butt. 要是你会怎么做,博士 教训一下别人
      [01:54.61]- This is so unfair. - Now cool off, hotshot. - 这不公平 - 安静点,神童
      [01:57.99]Please don't leave me in here, sir! 拜托别把我留在这,先生!
      [01:59.24]I can't stand small places. Anywhere but here! 我受不了狭隘的空间 除了这哪都行!
      [02:02.04]Jeez, kid. You're like 13 years old. It's time you grew a backbone. 天啊,你有13岁了吧 该长大了
      [02:07.37]Thanks for the life lesson, and thank you for this. 谢谢你的忠告 也谢谢你的磁卡
      [02:10.84]ELEFUN: As one friend to another, don't do this, Tenma. 作为一个朋友的忠告 别这么干,天马
      [02:13.34]Come on, Elefun. You know as well as I do, without military funding 茶水,你也知道的 没有军方的投资
      [02:16.97]all of our research, including yours, would grind to a halt. 我和你所有的研究都得搁浅
      [02:21.18]Start it up. 开始
      [02:39.03]I told President Stone, "You gotta bring out the big guns." 我告诉史东总统 “你得拿出大枪”
      [02:42.58]"Onward and upward, Toby." “永不止步,透比”
      [02:44.70]Load the Blue Core. 装载蓝核
      [02:53.96]Hold on. This Blue Core, it's all sweetness and light, right? 且慢,这个蓝核 是正面又阳光的,是吗?
      [02:58.47]I mean, "Save the dolphins," "Give peace a chance," and so forth? 比如“拯救海豚” “热爱和平”之类的?
      [03:01.30]It's pure positive energy. 它是纯正面能量
      [03:04.18]Call me a dreamer, but I think
      [03:08.81](LAUGHS SARCASTICALLY)
      [03:10.10]Oh, you're not joking. 哦,你不是说笑
      [03:11.40]Sir, we're not putting something that dangerous into something that dangerous. 先生,我们不会把两个危险叠加

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
