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时间:2014-07-20 19:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:44.39]Thanks to him and the incredible innovations he introduced... 感谢他和他的伟大发明 [01:47.10]Hey, Toby, isnt that your dad? 嘿,透比,那不是你爸? [01:49.56]- It sure is. - Hush! - 当然是 - 安静 [01:51.43
  •   [01:44.39]Thanks to him and the incredible innovations he introduced... 感谢他和他的伟大发明…
      [01:47.10]Hey, Toby, isn't that your dad? 嘿,透比,那不是你爸?
      [01:49.56]- It sure is. - Hush! - 当然是 - 安静
      [01:51.43]NARRATOR: Our friends, the robots, help us. Thousands are created every day, 我们的朋友,机器人,帮助我们 成千上万的机器人被生产
      [01:55.77]and thousands are disposed of in the great unending cycle 也有成千上万的被处理到
      [01:58.77]that sustains life in our great city. 维持城市运行的循环系统
      [02:01.82]Thanks for everything, guys. May you rust in peace. 感谢所做的一切,伙计们 愿你们在锈迹中安息
      [02:07.07]Okay, students. Ready for a pop quiz? 好了,同学们,准备突击测验
      [02:09.70]- What? - SPORTY BOY: Oh, no. - 什么? - 不要啊
      [02:11.25]Begin. 开始
      [02:13.54]- SPORTY BOY: Oh, man. - I am so busted. - 哦,天啊 - 我完蛋了
      [02:17.13](ALL GRUMBLING)
      [02:28.85]Yes, Toby. Is there a problem? 透比,有什么问题?
      [02:30.77]There's no problem. I'm just finished, and I'd like to leave. 没问题 只是我做完了,想出去了
      [02:33.94]Finished? 做完?
      [02:35.31]For rocket science, it wasn't exactly rocket science. 名叫火箭科学 其实算不上火箭科学
      [02:38.65]I don't suppose there's much point in you staying. 我想留下你也没什么意义
      [02:42.78]- Good luck, guys. - GIRL: Jeez. - 祝好运,伙计 - 天啊
      [02:49.70]Just like his father. 就像他父亲一样
      [02:52.12]Hello, Master Toby. Did you have a good day at... 你好,透比主人,今天过得…
      [02:54.91]Think fast, Orrin. 反应快点,奥伦
      [02:57.17]Thank you, Master Toby. Very good throw, by the way. 谢谢,透比主人 扔得好
      [03:03.34]- Hello, Son. - Hello, sir. - 你好,儿子 - 你好
      [03:05.22]- How was school? - Oh, great. - 学习怎么样? - 很好
      [03:07.01]Moustachio dropped a pop quiz on us, but I'm pretty sure I got 100%. 胡子老师给了突击测验 我基本上能得满分
      [03:11.06]That's good, Son, very good, but I don't want you to become complacent. 很好,孩子 不过我希望你别骄傲自满

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
