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时间:2014-07-14 20:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:16.93]Hell be lost. 他回不来了 [03:21.23]No, hell be all right. 不 他会回来的 [03:39.08]Have you come to kill me? 你是来杀我的吗? [03:45.32]Im waiting for someone. 我在等一个人 [03:52.26]Someone from a half-remem
  •   [03:16.93]He'll be lost. 他回不来了
      [03:21.23]No, he'll be all right. 不 他会回来的
      [03:39.08]Have you come to kill me? 你是来杀我的吗?
      [03:45.32]I'm waiting for someone. 我在等一个人
      [03:52.26]Someone from a half-remembered dream. 一个模糊的梦中人
      [03:57.77]Cobb? 柯布?
      [04:01.10]Impossible. 不可能
      [04:03.41]We were young men together. 我们当时都很年轻
      [04:07.61]I'm an old man. 我已经这么老了
      [04:11.18]Filled with regret. 满心悔恨
      [04:16.39]Waiting to die alone. 孤单终老
      [04:22.26]I've come back for you. 我是回来找你的
      [04:27.70]To remind you of something. 帮你记起一些事
      [04:34.84]Something you once knew. 一些你曾经记得的事
      [04:40.08]That this world is not real. 这个世界并非真实
      [04:47.22]To convince me to honor our arrangement? 说服我履行承诺?
      [04:52.55]To take a leap of faith, yes. 放手一搏呗

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
