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时间:2014-06-30 10:36来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:04.20]Im not smelling settlement here. Take them down. 我看他们不想和解 搞定他们 [00:07.31]Mr. Browning... 布朗宁先生 [00:08.58]Maurice Fischers policy is always one of avoiding litigation. 马里斯费舍尔的政策一直
  •   [00:04.20]I'm not smelling settlement here. Take them down. 我看他们不想和解 搞定他们
      [00:07.31]Mr. Browning... 布朗宁先生
      [00:08.58]Maurice Fischer's policy is always one of avoiding litigation. 马里斯·费舍尔的政策一直是回避官司
      [00:14.98]Well, shall we voice your concerns with Maurice directly? 要把你的话直接传给马里斯吗?
      [00:19.62]Not sure that's necessary. 那就不必了
      [00:21.19]No, no, no. I think we should. 不不不 我觉得应该
      [00:45.14]How is he? 他怎么样?
      [00:47.55]I don't want to bother him unnecessarily, but 我不想太打扰他 但是...
      [00:50.48]Robert, I told you keep out the damn Wait. So do it. Get 罗伯特 我让你他妈...      等等 去做吧
      [00:56.22]Mr. Fischer. Put it through. 费舍尔先生      接过来
      [00:59.69]Never, never. Never do the same as I asked. 永远 永远也别照我说的做
      [01:04.60]Leave that. 别管了
      [01:09.97]Here. 这样
      [01:13.61]Must be a cherished memory of his. 这肯定是他珍视的回忆
      [01:17.11]I put it beside his bed. He hasn't even noticed. 我把它放在他床边 他都没注意到
      [01:21.82]Robert... 罗伯特
      [01:25.85]...we need to talk about a power of attorney. 我们得谈谈请律师的事了
      [01:28.42]I know this is hard, Not now, 我知道这不容易      现在不行
      [01:29.74]but it's imperative that we start to... Uncle Peter. 但这是必须的      彼得叔叔
      [01:35.73]The vultures are circling. 秃鹰在盘旋
      [01:37.70]And the sicker Maurice fischer becomes, 马里斯·费舍尔病得越重
      [01:39.61]the more powemul Peter Browning becomes. 彼得·布朗宁的权力就越大
      [01:42.27]I've had ample opportunity to observe Browning... 我有足够的机会观察布朗宁

    英 [ˈsetlmənt] 美 [ˈsɛtlmənt]
    n.解决; 结算; <律>金钱或财产的转让(契约); 沉淀; 定居点

    英 [ˌlɪtɪˈgeɪʃn] 美 [ˌlɪtɪˈɡeɪʃn]
    n.<律>打官司; 诉讼

    英 [ə'tɜ:nɪ] 美 [əˈtɚni]
    n.代理人; 律师;

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
