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时间:2014-06-15 21:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:22.15]Six. 六个 [01:24.75]The only way to know youve done the job 要知道你做没做成 [01:27.60]is if I go in with you. 唯一的办法就是我跟你一起进入 [01:29.09]Theres no room for tourists on a job like this, Mr. Sait
  •   [01:22.15]Six. 六个
      [01:24.75]The only way to know you've done the job 要知道你做没做成
      [01:27.60]is if I go in with you. 唯一的办法就是我跟你一起进入
      [01:29.09]There's no room for tourists on a job like this, Mr. Saito. 这样的工作不能允许旁观者 齐藤先生
      [01:32.23]This time, it seems there is. 这次嘛 我觉得必须有
      [01:35.53]This, I think, is a good place to start. I use it every day. 我觉得 这就是个好的开始 我每天都服用
      [01:39.43]What for? Here, I'll show you. 为什么?      我带你看
      [01:45.87]Perhaps you will not want to see. 也许你不愿看到这景象
      [01:50.54]After you. 你先请
      [02:01.46]Ten. Twelve. All connected. Bloody hell. 十个 十二个 他妈的全联起来了
      [02:04.63]They come every day to share the dream. 他们每天都来共享梦境
      [02:09.43]You see? Very stable. 看吧 非常稳定
      [02:17.71]How long do they dream for? Three, four hours, each day. 他们每天做梦多久?      三四个小时
      [02:22.04]In dream time? 在梦里呢?
      [02:23.24]With this compound? About 40 hours, each and every day. 用上这玩意嘛 每天大约40小时
      [02:27.08]Why do they do it? Tell him, Mr. Cobb. 他们为什么这么做?      告诉他 柯布先生
      [02:31.92]After a while, it becomes the only way you can dream. 一段时间过后 这就变成了入梦的唯一方法
      [02:34.54]Do you still dream, Mr. Cobb? 你还做梦吗 柯布先生?
      [02:37.09]They come here every day to sleep? No. 他们每天是来睡觉的?      不
      [02:42.23]They come to be woken up. 他们来是为被唤醒
      [02:45.93]The dream has become their reality. 梦境变成了他们的现实
      [02:50.17]Who are you to say otherwise, sir? 你有能耐反驳我吗 先生?
      [02:54.84]Let's see what you can do. 看看你的能耐
      [03:07.45]You know how to find me. 你知道怎么找我
      [03:11.66]You know what you have to do. 你知道你要做什么
      [03:18.90]Sharp, no? 犀利吧?
      [03:35.55]Are you all right, Mr. Cobb? 你还好吗 柯布先生?
      [03:38.92]Yeah, yeah. Everything's just fine. 是的 我没事
      [03:51.13]Robert Fischer, heir to the Fischer Morrow energy conglomerate. 罗伯特·费舍尔 "费舍尔翌日能源集团"的继承人
      [03:55.00]What's your problem with this Mr. Fischer? 你看费舍尔先生哪儿不顺眼?
      [03:57.07]That's not your concern. 跟你有什么关系
      [03:59.07]Mr. Saito, this isn't your typical corporate espionage. 齐藤先生 这不是普通的商业间谍活动

      [04:03.61]You asked me for inception. 你让我奠基
      [04:05.38]I do hope you understand the gravity of that request. 我真心希望你明白这事的严重性
      [04:08.92]Now, the seed that we plant in this man's mind will grow into an idea. 我们在他脑中植入的想法会长成信念
      [04:13.05]This idea will define him. 这个信念会限制他
      [04:15.09]It may come to change.... 它可能会改变...
      [04:17.09]Well, it may come to change everything about him. 它可能会改变他的一切
      [04:19.56]We're the last company standing between them and total energy dominance. 只有我们能阻止他们垄断整个能源行业
      [04:24.06]And we can no longer compete. 我们已经丧失竞争力了
      [04:26.30]Soon, they'll control the energy supply of half the world. 很快 他们将控制世界上一半的能源供给
      [04:29.94]In effect, they become a new superpower. 结果是 他们会变成新的超级大国
      [04:33.71]The world needs Robert Fischer to change his mind. 全世界也需要罗伯特·费舍尔改变心意
      [04:37.21]That's where we come in. 这是我们的出发点
      [04:38.95]How is Robert Fischer's relationship with his father? 罗伯特·费舍尔跟他父亲的关系如何?
      [04:42.38]Rumor is the relationship is quite complicated. 有传言说他们的关系很复杂
      [04:45.28]Well, we can't work based solely on rumor, can we? 我们不能根据传言就开工 是不是?
      [04:47.96]Can you get me access to this man here? Browning. 你能接触到这个人吗? 布朗宁
      [04:51.33]Fischer Senior's right-hand man. Fischer Junior's godfather. 老费舍尔的左右手 小费舍尔的教父
      [04:55.66]It should be possible, if you can get the right references. 这有可能 如果你有合适的资源的话
      [04:59.10]References are something of a specialty for me, Mr. Saito. 找资源可是我的强项 齐藤先生


    英 ['kɒmpaʊnd] 美 [kɑmˈpaUnd]
    n.场地; 复合物; (筑有围墙的)院子; 复合词
    vt.调和; 使混合; 使严重; 调停
    adj.复合; [语法学](句子)复合的; 合成的; 多功能的
    vi.妥协; 和解; 达成协议; (通过妥协)解决债务、主权等

    英 [ˈkɔ:pərət] 美 [ˈkɔrpərɪt, ˈkɔrprɪt]
    adj.法人的,团体的,社团的; 公司的,总体国家的; 〈古〉团结的; 共同的,全体的

    英 [ˈespiənɑ:ʒ] 美 [ˈɛspiəˌnɑʒ, -nɪdʒ]
    n.侦察; 间谍活动
    网 络

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      盗梦空间台词      
