甜言蜜语 feed sb a line
呆若木鸡 clutch up
烂醉如泥 dead drunk
街谈巷议 street gossip
偷工减料 cut corners
精神饱满 be full of beans
枯燥无味 dry as dust
满腔怒火 be up in arms
化为泡影 to blow sth
狼吞虎咽 eat like a hog
堪当重任 fill sb's shoes
忍辱含垢 eat humble pie
甜言蜜语 feed sb a line
呆若木鸡 clutch up
烂醉如泥 dead drunk
街谈巷议 street gossip
偷工减料 cut corners
精神饱满 be full of beans
枯燥无味 dry as dust
满腔怒火 be up in arms
化为泡影 to blow sth
狼吞虎咽 eat like a hog
堪当重任 fill sb's shoes
忍辱含垢 eat humble pie
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
英语词汇量测试 http://test.qsbdc.com/