1.for the birds 形容某事不值一钱
2.had their wings clipped 束手束脚
3.chicken-livered 胆小
4.eats like a bird 指人吃得很少
5.a birds-eye view 鸟瞰
6.chickens come home to roost 自食其果
7.counts her chickens before they are hatched 过早打如意算盘
1.for the birds 形容某事不值一钱
2.had their wings clipped 束手束脚
3.chicken-livered 胆小
4.eats like a bird 指人吃得很少
5.a birds-eye view 鸟瞰
6.chickens come home to roost 自食其果
7.counts her chickens before they are hatched 过早打如意算盘