N1=nice one;
N2B=not too bad;
NA=Not Available/Not Applicable;
NOOB=newbie 新手;
N2G=need to go;
N2M=not too much;
N2MU=nice to meet you;
NA=not available/applicable 不可用;
NB=not bad;
NC=No Comment/No Choice;
NEG=negative 消极的;
N1=nice one;
N2B=not too bad;
NA=Not Available/Not Applicable;
NOOB=newbie 新手;
N2G=need to go;
N2M=not too much;
N2MU=nice to meet you;
NA=not available/applicable 不可用;
NB=not bad;
NC=No Comment/No Choice;
NEG=negative 消极的;
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
英语词汇量测试 http://test.qsbdc.com/