break wind v. 放屁
broken wind n.喘气
high wind 大风,强风
into the wind adv.迎风
before the wind (航海)顺风,借风力
get wind of 听到…的风声
like the wind 飞快地
off the wind (航海)顺风
wind down 渐渐停下
wind something up 停业清理
wind someone up 使紧张

break wind v. 放屁
broken wind n.喘气
high wind 大风,强风
into the wind adv.迎风
before the wind (航海)顺风,借风力
get wind of 听到…的风声
like the wind 飞快地
off the wind (航海)顺风
wind down 渐渐停下
wind something up 停业清理
wind someone up 使紧张
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