1. cry wolf 喊“狼来了”;发假警报
2. freak flag 独特之处,另类的一面
3. get out of hand 失控
4. get your head around it 明白,搞清楚
5. dig in your heels / stick to your guns 坚持立场
6. pound the pavement 徘徊于街头找工作
7. pull a rabbit out of a hat 使出奇招
1. cry wolf 喊“狼来了”;发假警报
2. freak flag 独特之处,另类的一面
3. get out of hand 失控
4. get your head around it 明白,搞清楚
5. dig in your heels / stick to your guns 坚持立场
6. pound the pavement 徘徊于街头找工作
7. pull a rabbit out of a hat 使出奇招
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
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