a flood of words口若悬河
a wisp of a smile一丝微笑
a burst of laughter一阵笑声
a flood of tears泪如泉涌
a train of thoughts一连串的想法
a piece of information 一条消息
a glimmer of hope一线希望
a network of railroad铁路网
a flood of people人潮如涌
a piece of advice一条建议
a flood of words口若悬河
a wisp of a smile一丝微笑
a burst of laughter一阵笑声
a flood of tears泪如泉涌
a train of thoughts一连串的想法
a piece of information 一条消息
a glimmer of hope一线希望
a network of railroad铁路网
a flood of people人潮如涌
a piece of advice一条建议
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
英语词汇量测试 http://test.qsbdc.com/