1. take the cake: 名列第一
2. eat humble pie: 忍气吞声;低头认罪
3. go/sell like hot cakes: 热销,畅销
4. a piece of cake/as easy as pie: 小菜一碟,小事一桩
5. eat one's cake and have it too: 得其利而无其害,两者兼得
6. pie in the sky: 渺茫的希望
1. take the cake: 名列第一
2. eat humble pie: 忍气吞声;低头认罪
3. go/sell like hot cakes: 热销,畅销
4. a piece of cake/as easy as pie: 小菜一碟,小事一桩
5. eat one's cake and have it too: 得其利而无其害,两者兼得
6. pie in the sky: 渺茫的希望
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
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