burst into laughter 突然大笑;
crack a smile 莞尔一笑;
explode with laughter 哄堂大笑;
force a smile 强作欢颜;
grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑;
a hearty burst of laughter 一阵爽朗的欢笑;
in stitches 笑不可支;
laugh it off 一笑而过;
laughingstock 笑料;
burst into laughter 突然大笑;
crack a smile 莞尔一笑;
explode with laughter 哄堂大笑;
force a smile 强作欢颜;
grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑;
a hearty burst of laughter 一阵爽朗的欢笑;
in stitches 笑不可支;
laugh it off 一笑而过;
laughingstock 笑料;
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
英语词汇量测试 http://test.qsbdc.com/