1.feel like a fish out of water (感到生疏)
2.drink like a fish (酗酒)
3.All is fish that comes to his net. (来者不拒)
4.Never fry a fish till it's caught. (不要操之过急)
5.Never offer to teach fish to swim. (不要班门弄斧)
1.feel like a fish out of water (感到生疏)
2.drink like a fish (酗酒)
3.All is fish that comes to his net. (来者不拒)
4.Never fry a fish till it's caught. (不要操之过急)
5.Never offer to teach fish to swim. (不要班门弄斧)
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
英语词汇量测试 http://test.qsbdc.com/