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  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(73) 日期:2015-06-15 12:55:43 点击:177 好评:0

    [00:14.03]对 你可能会渡过个美好时光 Yes. And you might actuaIIy have a good time. [00:16.70]好啊 Oh, yeah. [00:18.97]乐开花 A thousand Iaughs. [00:23.37]好 好 好 我去 Fi Fine. Fine. lII go. [00:25.77]但你必须陪我一...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(72) 日期:2015-06-15 12:54:48 点击:157 好评:0

    [04:27.82]别管我 谢谢你 Leave me aIone. Thank you. [04:30.15]你不想读读它吗 烧了吧 You dont want to read it? Burn it. [04:33.32]帕蒂 嗨 凯特 PattI? HI, Kate. [04:36.33]我的天呢 怎么啦 Oh, my God. What? [04:38.33]墨...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(71) 日期:2015-06-15 12:54:29 点击:133 好评:0

    [03:43.94]你真是个笨蛋 Youre a compIete fuckin idiot, you know that? [03:46.01]我想方设法的帮你 lm trying to heIp you out here. [03:48.01]为什么不和她一起回家? 让我安静会 How did you not go home with her? Gimme...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(70) 日期:2015-06-15 12:53:23 点击:142 好评:0

    [02:38.87]真不明白 她怎么还不出现? UnbeIievabIe. How come she didnt show up? [02:40.88]我为了她而办了聚会 可她却不露面 l throw the party for her, and she doesnt even show up. [02:43.58]我说过 你要放长线 墨菲...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(69) 日期:2015-06-15 12:53:04 点击:191 好评:0

    [01:51.03]我们聊的很愉快 Oh, were having the best time. [01:53.73]一 我看了你的书 很棒 One I read your book. It Was terrIflc. [01:56.27]你没必要跟我说谎 You dont have to Iie to me. [01:58.05]我今晚听到很多人说...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(68) 日期:2015-06-15 12:52:40 点击:164 好评:0

    [01:10.02]是的 那是整整一个周末 Yeah, it was an entIre weekend. [01:14.29]喔 我们有 恩 Wow. Did we, uh [01:17.53]那个故事 有个头发长到脚趾的女孩 That story The girI with the hair down to her toes. [01:20.70]我没...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(67) 日期:2015-06-15 12:52:18 点击:150 好评:0

    [00:32.42]我等着 lm waiting. [00:34.75]那我 我有什么可以为你做的吗? What, l did Did l do something to you? [00:37.42]你在开玩笑吗? Are you kidding? [00:40.52]什么? 什么? What? What? [00:42.53]我很高兴见到你 我...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(66) 日期:2015-06-15 12:51:42 点击:195 好评:0

    [04:49.21]接着你就可以回到过去 也为了你自己 Then you can go back and do one for you. [04:51.37]就像好莱坞 一本给他 一本写给自己 Just Iike HoIIywood: One for them, one for you. [04:54.04]你们在说什么 一个...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(65) 日期:2015-06-15 12:51:21 点击:126 好评:0

    [04:14.07]纽约是个多么有意思的地方 NeW York Is WeIrd7 lIke that. [04:16.17]我还没有见过我的一半邻居呢 l stiII havent met haIf the peopIe in my buiIding... [04:18.27]但我在路上随便走走就走到马克这儿来了...

  • [紫罗兰] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(64) 日期:2015-06-15 12:51:01 点击:83 好评:0

    [03:31.73]会觉得你是他生命中最美好的一切 and wiII think you are just the greatest thing thats ever happened to him. [03:34.63]你真他妈是个畜生 噢 不要发火骂人 You are such a fucking cock! Whoa! Dont start the m...
