


时间:2020-03-02 16:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:56.86]yes, Sir. 好的 先生 [03:03.34]for Highest Achievement In Science, 科学最高成绩颁给 [03:07.06]badriyah Santhanam. 班德里娅.桑坦纳姆 [03:10.18]thank You, Mr. Clark. 谢谢你 克拉克先生 [03:13.18]you Are Welc
  • [02:56.86]yes, Sir. 好的 先生
    [03:03.34]for Highest Achievement In Science, 科学最高成绩颁给
    [03:07.06]badriyah Santhanam. 班德里娅.桑坦纳姆
    [03:10.18]thank You, Mr. Clark. 谢谢你 克拉克先生
    [03:13.18]you Are Welcome, Doctor. 不客气 医生
    [03:17.74]for Most Outstanding Achievement 在数学方面有最杰出
    [03:18.22]in Mathematics1, 表现的人是
    [03:20.78]julio Vasquez. 胡里奥.瓦茨奎兹
    [03:26.30]thank You, Mr. Clark. 谢谢你 克拉克先生
    [03:36.38]tayshawn Mitchell. 泰肖恩.米歇尔
    [03:44.22]and Last, But Not Least... 最后呢...
    [03:46.90]shamei-- 莎美..
    [03:47.90](door Opens)
    [03:49.90]i'm Sorry To Interrupt2 我很抱歉要打断
    [03:53.06]your End Of The Year Party, Mr. Clark, 你们的年终派对 克拉克先生
    [03:53.74]but I Just Received A Fax 但我刚刚收到了一份
    [03:56.46]from The Board Of Education, 来自教育部的传真
    [03:58.18]informing Me Of The Results 给我提供了这次
    [03:59.62]of The State Exam. 州立统考的结果
    [04:01.22]i Felt It Was Important 我觉得我亲自来告诉
    [04:02.06]to Give You The Scores Myself. 你们这个分数是非常重要的
    [04:07.66]these Are Probably 这些或许
    [04:09.38]not The Scores You Expected. 不是你们所期待的分数
    [04:15.86]this Class, 这个班
    [04:16.62]this Sixth Grade Class, 这个六年级班
    [04:18.02]tested Higher Than Any Other Class. 测试成绩比其他所有班级都要高
    [04:34.86]than The Honors3 Class. 优等生班的成绩还要好
    [04:35.30]you Even Tested Higher 你们的成绩甚至比
    [04:44.70]congratulations. 祝贺你们
    [04:49.26]congratulations, Mr. Clark. 祝贺你 克拉克先生
    [04:50.94]thank You. 谢谢
    [04:52.06]very Impressive4. 非常感人
    [04:53.70](parents Laugh)
    [04:59.82]shameika, Your Award Wasgoing To Be 是要赋予你英语成绩最优秀奖
    [05:00.74](sighs) 莎美卡 你本来的奖项

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