[00:41.94]yo, Come On, Tay, Just Chill Out. 哟 拜托 泰 放松 放松
[00:44.34]you Telling Me To Chill, Homey?! 你让我放松 舒服?!
[00:46.14]come On, Man, I Mean, Mr. Clark Likes That Art Crap, Ok? 拜托 伙计 我是说 克拉克先生喜欢 那幅艺术烂品,是吧?
[00:46.82]you Telling Me To Chill?! 你让我放松?!
[00:50.22]so, He Thought I Did It, And I Just Went With It. 所以 他以为是我画的 我只是 顺着他的意思罢了
[00:58.54]i'm Sorry, Man! 对不起 伙计!
[01:00.74]aah! 啊!
[01:07.90]superintendent Stevens Has Joined Us 负责人史蒂文会和我们一起
[01:11.14]to Determine If Tayshawn Mitchell Should Be Expelled 来讨论决定是否应该把泰肖恩.米歇尔
[01:14.22]i Vote Yes. Send Him To Juvi. 我投赞同票 把他送去少年矫正所
[01:14.58]from Inner Harlem Elementary. 从哈林中心小学除名
[01:17.98]this Isn't A Democracy, Mr. Brampton. 这不民主 布兰普顿先生
[01:19.86]howard, Would You Let Mr. Turner Finish What He Was Saying? 霍华德 你可不可以让特纳先生 说完他要说的话?
[01:27.26]you Got The Say Here. 你听到他们怎么说了
[01:29.74]we Don't Need His Lazy Ass1 Around The House All Day. 我们不需要他的烂屁股整天待在 我们的屋子里
[01:31.02]what Did You Just Say? 你刚才说什么?
[01:32.54]mr. Turner: Ahem.
[01:37.66]look, If We Expel Him, 瞧 如果我们把他开除
[01:40.06]he's Only Going To Fall Further Behind. 他只能是更加陷入深渊
[01:41.10]mr. Clark, Our Students Can't Simply 克拉克先生 我们的学生不能
[01:43.10]do What They Want With No Consequences. 随随便便没有理由乱做事情
[01:46.70]what About The Consequences For Tayshawn? 如果对泰肖恩来说是有理由的呢?
[01:47.54]we Are Supposed To Be Keeping These Kids <i>in</i> School. 我们是要把这些孩子都留在学校里