


时间:2015-11-05 22:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[07:28.84]All gone? [07:30.04]You know what electrical shock treatments are? [07:32.92]Yes. Yes, I do. [07:34.64]Ive had 37. [07:39.76]Supposed to jolt out the emotional problems. [07:42.64]- Just jolted13 out the mathematics. - How awful.
  •   [07:28.84]All gone?
      [07:30.04]You know what electrical shock treatments are?
      [07:32.92]Yes. Yes, I do.
      [07:34.64]I’ve had 37.
      [07:39.76]Supposed to jolt out the emotional problems.
      [07:42.64]- Just jolted13 out the mathematics. - How awful.
      [07:47.68]"How awful"? Why, because mathematics is so interesting?
      [07:53.24]No. Because the shocks must be awful and,
      [07:56.40]well, because it’s awful not to be able to do what it is that you want to do.
      [08:00.44]I think mathematics must be dull.
      [08:04.36]I like your girl, Frank.
      [08:06.56]Me, too.
      [08:08.16]So, what do a couple of people like you have to run away from?
      [08:11.36]- We’re not running. - So what’s in Paris?
      [08:13.76]- A different way of life. - Maybe we are running.
      [08:17.44]We’re running from the hopeless emptiness of the whole life here, right?
      [08:21.52]The hopeless emptiness?
      [08:27.36]Now you’ve said it. Plenty of people are on to the emptiness,

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      革命之路      

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