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时间:2015-07-17 12:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:06.84]You must have a mortar1 and pestle2. 你们必须有钵和杵 [00:09.92]Incidentally, my father is horrified3 Im going to cooking school. 顺便说一下 听说我在学烹饪 我爸吓坏了 [00:14.68]Offered to give me extra mon
  •   [00:06.84]You must have a mortar1 and pestle2. 你们必须有钵和杵
      [00:09.92]Incidentally, my father is horrified3 I’m going to cooking school. 顺便说一下 听说我在学烹饪 我爸吓坏了
      [00:14.68]Offered to give me extra money to hire a cook. 并提出给我一笔钱让我去请一个厨子
      [00:20.28]Go on. Fun! Joy! This is what matters. 继续,开心、乐趣,这才是最重要的
      [00:23.96]I’m probably the only American I know in Paris 据我所知,我可能是所有在巴黎的美国人
      [00:25.52]who thinks shopping for food is as much fun as buying a dress. 唯一一个觉得逛菜市场比逛时装店更有趣的人
      [00:32.68]Course, you’d think so too, if you lived in a country 当然如果你生活在这儿也会这样的
      [00:34.68]where absolutely nothing comes in my size. 这儿没什么东西有我的码数
      [00:39.84]By the way, did you know that if you don’t dry meat, 另外,你知道么,如果你不烘干肉块
      [00:44.24]it won’t brown properly? 它们就不会变成恰到好处的褐色
      [00:46.72]Irma Rombauer doesn’t say a word about it in the Joy of Cooking. 对此,Irma Rombauer在《烹饪的乐趣》里可是只字未提
      [00:52.04]Avis, I am in heaven here. Avis,在这儿我觉得跟天堂一般
      [00:55.12]I’ve been looking for a career all my life... 我一直在寻找值得托付终身的事业...
      [01:00.12]- Happy Valentine’s Day. ...and I’ve found it. - 情人节快乐 - 幸运的是 我找到了
      [01:04.88]We met in Ceylon when we were in the OSS. 在OSS(航天科学所)工作的时候 我们在斯里兰卡见过面
      [01:06.28]But he never noticed me at first. 但他起初就没有注意到我

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
