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时间:2015-07-17 12:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:15.44]I do. 我喜欢的 [01:21.40]What is it that you really like to do? 那你真正喜欢做什么呢? [01:25.56]Eat. 吃 [01:29.84]- Its what I like to do. - I know, I know. I know. I know. - 我还真就喜欢吃了 - 我知道,知
  •   [01:15.44]I do. 我喜欢的
      [01:21.40]What is it that you really like to do? 那你真正喜欢做什么呢?
      [01:25.56]Eat. 吃
      [01:29.84]- It’s what I like to do. - I know, I know. I know. I know. - 我还真就喜欢吃了 - 我知道,知道
      [01:32.04]- And you are so good at it. Look at you! - I am good at it. - 而且你还这么会吃,看看你自己 - 我是懂吃
      [01:36.32]- Now. How good you are. - I’m growing in front of you. - 看看你现在气色多好 - 我在你眼皮底下就长壮了
      [01:51.88]I was thinking of taking bridge lessons. 我在考虑上桥牌课
      [01:55.16]- You like bridge. - I do. I like the idea of bridge. - 你是喜欢桥牌 - 我喜欢,我喜欢打桥牌的想法
      [02:01.96]Four points for an ace1, three points for a king, A得四分,K得三分
      [02:03.84]two points for a queen, one point for a jack2. Q得两分,J得一分
      [02:06.28]And breast your cards. 再把你的牌贴在胸口
      [02:10.60]Do you have any French cookbooks in English? 这儿有英文版的法式料理书卖吗?
      [02:15.56]- I’m afraid not. - Gosh. - 恐怕没有 - 天哪
      [02:34.36]The salesperson3. She... 售货员,她...
      [02:40.68]Had no idea... Because, you see, there is no French cookbook in English. 不懂我的话...因为你知道的 这儿没有英文版的法式料理书卖

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
