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时间:2015-07-07 12:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:58.56]You know why I think it is? 你知道我为什么这么想吗? [01:59.32]- ADD. - You have ADD? - 因为我有注意缺陷障碍 - 你有注意缺陷障碍 [02:01.84]Yes. Thats why Im so bad at housework. 不错,所以我不会做
  •   [01:58.56]You know why I think it is? 你知道我为什么这么想吗?
      [01:59.32]- ADD. - You have ADD? - 因为我有注意缺陷障碍 - 你有注意缺陷障碍
      [02:01.84]Yes. That’s why I’m so bad at housework. 不错,所以我不会做家务
      [02:04.80]Oh, is that it? 哦,原来是这样啊
      [02:07.72]I’m just saying, a deadline would be good. 我就说定个最后期限比较好
      [02:08.52]So a deadline. "I love deadlines. 那就定一个,我喜欢期限
      [02:11.80]"I love the sound they make as they go whooshing3 past." 我喜欢有个声音提醒自己时间呼呼地飞逝了
      [02:13.96]- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy4. - I mean it. - 一下子就消失在银河系了 - 我是认真的
      [02:16.92]- Okay, so a year, or so. - A year? - 好吧,那就定个一年吧 - 一年?
      [02:21.64]This thing weighs like two pounds. 这家伙可有两磅重
      [02:25.68]I have a full-time5 job. Sometimes I don’t get home until 8:00 or 9:00 and... 我有份全职工作,有时候晚上八九点都回不了家
      [02:30.64]It’s crazy. It’s crazy. 这是妄想,是妄想
      [02:32.56]- Is it crazy? - Yes. Yes. - 这是妄想吗? - 是,是妄想
      [02:35.80]- Okay, you want to do Blog Z? - Yes. - 好了,你想写博客Z吗? - 对
      [02:39.32]Blog Z it is. 那就博客Z吧
      [02:44.08]Nobody here 这里没有别人
      [02:47.48]but us servantless American cooks. 只有我们这些没佣人的美国厨师
      [02:48.16]"Servantless American cooks." 没佣人的美国厨师
      [02:53.32]- What do you think? - Love it. - 你觉得怎么样? - 我很喜欢
      [02:58.68]"Start blogging." 开始写博客吧

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
