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时间:2015-06-03 12:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:17.11]这就是你会去找布莱恩凯勒翰的原因 Thats why youre off with Brian CaIIahan. [04:18.57]噢 我的天哪 你知道自己在说什么吗? Oh, my God. WouId you fucking Iisten to yourseIf? [04:21.74]你居然告诉自己老
  •   [04:17.11]这就是你会去找布莱恩·凯勒翰的原因 That’s why you’re off with Brian CaIIahan.
      [04:18.57]噢 我的天哪 你知道自己在说什么吗? Oh, my God. WouId you fucking Iisten to yourseIf?
      [04:21.74]你居然告诉自己老婆对她没有性趣而且厌烦了 You are teIIing your wife that you are not attracted to her and bored.
      [04:26.01]真谢谢你把一切都毁了 奇斯  Thanks for fucking breaking it down, Chazz.
      [04:28.36]别这样 帕蒂 别这样 Come on, Pat. Come on.
      [04:29.08]火花已经消失了 不是吗? The fucking spark’s gone, right?
      [04:31.08]所以呢? 婚姻需要的可不止是火花 So? There is more to marriage than a spark.
      [04:33.08]爱呢? 友谊呢? 扶持呢?      对 没错 对  What about Iove and friendship and support?         Yeah, right. Yeah.
      [04:35.68]这些东西呢? 它们都上哪儿去了呢? Guess what. There are those things. Where are they?
      [04:38.19]拜托了 我知道的 我已经尽力了 Fucking come on. l know. l’ve tried aII those things.
      [04:40.82]好吗? 我知道那些屁事 但我不能… AII right? l feeI that shit, but l can’t
      [04:43.22]不能对一个不再吸引我的人假装下去 l can’t fucking pretend l’m attracted to someone when l’m not.
      [04:46.89]我知道 我一开始就听到了 l know. l heard you the filrst time.
      [04:48.90]好了 你这是干嘛呢 好吗? PIease. What the fuck are we doing, aII right?
      [04:51.60]你溜出去跟你痛失的爱人鬼混 Look. You’re sneaking3 off with your IongIost Iove.
      [04:54.77]而我在客厅里自己解决 l’m fucking rubbing one out in the Iiving room.
      [04:57.67]这是不对的 lt’s wrong.
      [04:59.77]这对我们两个来说都是不对的 lt’s not right for the both of us.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
