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时间:2015-06-03 12:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:39.99]为什么? For what? [04:42.99]怎么啦? What? [04:46.66]因为你写的东西总是比我好 Cause youve aIways been a better writer than me... [04:48.76]那时候 我常想 我要怎么跟一个 and at the time, l thought, how
  •   [04:39.99]为什么? For what?
      [04:42.99]怎么啦? What?
      [04:46.66]因为你写的东西总是比我好 ’Cause you’ve aIways been a better writer than me...
      [04:48.76]那时候 我常想 我要怎么跟一个… and at the time, l thought, how couId l marry a woman...
      [04:53.27]会不断让我意识到自己没天赋的女人结婚呢? that wouId be a constant reminder4 of my inferior taIents?
      [04:58.07]但我并没有比你好 But l’m not a better writer than you.
      [05:00.67]我甚至…不知道还该不该把自己称为作家 l don’t... know if l can even caII myseIf a writer anymore.
      [00:03.91]我已经好几年没写过东西了 l haven’t written anything in years.
      [00:06.11]而你每年都有新作 And you write a new noveI every year.
      [00:08.12]那你那个"不能触碰 总是重叠交错"的故事呢? What happened to your, uh, ’’never connecting, aIways overIapping’’ story?
      [00:12.32]我骗你的 可我该说什么呢?  l Iied. What was l gonna teII you?
      [00:14.86]说我已经好几年不写东西了? l hadn’t written anything in years?
      [00:15.79]为什么呢? 发生什么了? WeII, why not? What happened?
      [00:17.79]不知道 我试过了 但是 我想 l don’t know. l tried, but, l guess,
      [00:20.48]也许…也许我没有自信了 maybe maybe l Iost my confildence.
      [00:23.50]我也不明白 l don’t know reaIIy.
      [00:25.97]那你应该将它找回来 WeII, you gotta get it back.
      [00:28.70]P 写作的能力是不会失去的 随便写点什么 P, the abiIity to write is not something you Iose. Write anything.Just

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
