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时间:2015-03-22 19:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:01.81]Heres my number. Call me, okay? 这是我的名片 ,打给我 [04:03.98]Yes, sir. Absolutely. Thank you very much. 没问题,谢谢你 [04:07.41]Chris, you got five bucks3? I left my wallet upstairs. 你有五块吗?我忘了带
  •   [04:01.81]Here’s my number. Call me, okay? 这是我的名片 ,打给我
      [04:03.98]Yes, sir. Absolutely. Thank you very much. 没问题,谢谢你
      [04:07.41]Chris, you got five bucks3? I left my wallet upstairs. 你有五块吗?我忘了带钱包
      [04:11.38]Let me run up and grab4 that for you, Mr. Frohm. 我上去帮你拿
      [04:13.85]No, I gotta be at CAL Bank at 4, and I’m late. 我在赶时间,就快迟到了
      [04:22.23]- I’ll pay you back, honest. - Five is good? -我会把钱还你 -五块钱就够了吗?
      [04:24.60]Five is lovely. Thank you. Thank you. 对,谢谢你
      [04:41.58]That’s it. That’s the room quota5. 房间已经满了
      [04:44.45]There’s no more space. You gotta head out. 没有床位了 ,请离开吧
      [04:47.42]That’s it for today. Come back tomorrow. 今天没床位了 ,明天趁早来吧
      [04:50.52]All the rooms are full. It’s completely full. 没有床位了
      [04:53.73]That’s it. Just keep heading out. Come back tomorrow. 请走吧 明天再来排队吧
      [00:33.00]You like it? 好吃吗?
      [01:25.82]Twenty. One, two, three, four. 二十 一、二、三、四
      [01:32.59]Now, here’s your bulb, and there’s your ferrite core1 inductor. 这是灯泡和磁铁蕊电感器
      [01:36.40]- How much? - Eight dollars. -多少钱? -八块钱
      [01:40.30]- What’s that? - It’s to repair the light. -那是什么? -用来修扫描机的零件
      [01:43.84]Can I see it? 我能看吗?
      [01:47.77]Yeah, sure. Just don’t break it. 可以,不过别弄坏
      [01:51.04]Unless you wanna sleep in a room with me for the rest of your life. 不然你就得一辈子跟我同房
      [01:56.75]I don’t mind. 我不介意
      [01:59.08]Yeah, you will. 你会介意的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
