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时间:2015-03-22 19:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:06.82]Awesome. 棒呆了 [03:08.86]Hey, let them win a round. 让他们赢几局 [03:16.00]Deborah, someones asking for you. 有人在找你 [03:18.20]- Where? - Hes outside. Please come with me. -哪里? -他在外面,跟我来 [03
  •   [03:06.82]Awesome. 棒呆了
      [03:08.86]Hey, let them win a round. 让他们赢几局
      [03:16.00]Deborah, someone’s asking for you. 有人在找你
      [03:18.20]- Where? - He’s outside. Please come with me. -哪里? -他在外面,跟我来
      [03:29.14]Hi. -嗨 -你好吗?
      [03:34.05]- Can I ask you a question? - Sure. -我想问你一个问题 -问吧
      [03:38.82]We need a room. 我们需要房间
      [03:41.05]Just until I can fix this and sell it. 直到我把机器修好卖出去
      [03:44.22]- There’s just some glass work. - Let me stop you right there. -问题出在灯泡上面 -先别急
      [03:47.06]- I wish I could help you... - This is my son, Christopher. -我也很想帮你 -这是我儿子小克
      [03:49.86]- He’s 5 years old. - Hi, baby. -他五岁 -嗨,小乖乖
      [03:52.07]- We need some place to stay. - Okay, and I would love to help you... -我们需要地方过夜 -好,我很想帮忙
      [03:55.34]...but we don’t take men here. It’s only women and children. 但我们不替男人安排住处 只能帮女人和小孩
      [03:58.41]He can stay here, but you have to find someplace else to go. 他可以留下来,你得另找地方
      [04:01.67]We gotta stay together. 我们要待在一起
      [04:03.28]We got... We’re... 我们要
      [04:04.84]- Okay, listen. - You gotta have some place... -好,听我说 -一定有地方住
      [04:06.88]Try Glide4 Memorial5. The building books up at 5. 去联合卫理教堂,五点钟关门
      [04:09.95]So you hurry up. There’s a line. 你最好赶快去
      [04:11.65]- And where is it? Come on. - Ellis and Jones. -在哪里? -艾利斯和琼斯街口
      [04:50.29]Hey, everybody. We have four spots left, and that’s all. 大伙儿,只剩四个床位而已了
      [04:56.33]- Man. - Hey, come on, man. 拜托
      [04:59.43]- Come on. - Come on, what? -拜托 -你想干嘛?
      [05:00.83]- Hey, that’s my spot. - Back off. -那是我的位置 -滚蛋

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
