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时间:2015-03-22 19:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.77]Ill see you soon. 到时候再见 [00:56.46]Why are our things here? 我们的东西怎么会在门口? [00:59.89]Dad. 爸? [01:44.04]- Lets go. Come on. - Where? -我们走吧 -去哪里? [01:48.38]- Just out of here. - Why
  •   [00:02.77]I’ll see you soon. 到时候再见
      [00:56.46]Why are our things here? 我们的东西怎么会在门口?
      [00:59.89]Dad. 爸?
      [01:44.04]- Let’s go. Come on. - Where? -我们走吧 -去哪里?
      [01:48.38]- Just out of here. - Why? -离开这里 -为什么?
      [01:50.91]- We can’t stay here tonight. - Yes, we can. Open the door! -今晚不能待在这里 -可以啦,快开门
      [01:54.11]- Did1 you hear what I said2? Let’s go. - Open the door! -给我听好,快走吧 -开门!
      [01:58.79]Hey, did you hear what I said? Stop it. 你有没有听到?别闹了 !
      [02:02.86]Stop it. 别闹了 !
      [02:08.56]Come on. 走吧
      [02:19.14]Come on. 走吧
      [02:37.62]Wayne! 韦恩!
      [02:40.36]Wayne! 韦恩!
      [02:49.44]Wayne! 韦恩!
      [03:07.29]Get up. Stand up. Come on. 站起来,来吧
      [03:26.87]Where are we going3? 我们要去哪里?
      [03:31.08]- Dad, where are we going? - I don’t know. -爸,我们要去哪里? -我不知道
      [03:49.90]It’s not a time machine4. 这不是时光机器
      [03:52.50]Dad. 爸
      [03:54.30]It’s not a time machine. 这不是时光机器
      [03:55.84]The guy5 said it was6 a time machine. It’s not a time machine. He was wrong. 那家伙错了 ,这不是时光机器
      [03:59.51]- What guy? - The guy. He was at the park. -哪个家伙? -公园那家伙
      [04:02.11]He said it was a time machine. 说这是时光机器
      [04:10.32]Yes, it is. 这是呀
      [04:13.15]No, it’s not. 才不是咧
      [04:16.96]- It is. - No, it’s not. -是啦 -才不是
      [04:25.13]All we gotta do is push7 this black button8 right here. 只要按下这个黑色的按钮 就可以了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
