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时间:2015-03-22 19:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:31.76]- You all right? - Oh, yeah. Goodness. Im fine. -你没事吧? -没事,我没事 [01:34.90]- Youre not allergic1 or anything? - No, no, no. -你不会过敏吧? -不会 [01:37.70]- Whered he get you? - Just right at the back
  •   [01:31.76]- You all right? - Oh, yeah. Goodness. I’m fine. -你没事吧? -没事,我没事
      [01:34.90]- You’re not allergic1 or anything? - No, no, no. -你不会过敏吧? -不会
      [01:37.70]- Where’d he get you? - Just right at the back of my head. -你被蛰到哪里? -我的后脑勺
      [01:41.24]- Are you okay? - Yeah, I’m fine, Christopher. -你没事吧? -没事
      [01:43.87]- Does it hurt? - Christopher, I’m fine. -痛不痛? -我没事啦
      [01:46.21]- Let me see. - Christopher, sit back. Sit back. -给我看 -小克,坐回去
      [01:50.28]Thomas Jefferson mentions happiness a couple times... 汤犸斯杰佛逊在独立宣言中
      [01:52.85]...in the Declaration of Independence. 提到 “幸福”
      [01:56.08]May seem like a strange word to be in that document... 他用这个词也许有点奇怪
      [01:58.85]...but he was sort of... He was an artist. 不过他是一名作家
      [02:04.02]He called the English "the disturbers of our harmony." 他说英国人破坏美国人的幸福
      [02:08.90]And I remember standing2 there that day... 我那天也在想
      [02:10.87]...thinking about the disturbers of mine. 谁破坏了我的幸福
      [02:13.37]Questions I had: Whether all this was good. 我在想 我的努力值得吗?
      [02:18.01]Whether I’d make it. 我到底能不能成功?
      [02:22.78]And Walter Ribbon and his Pacific Bell pension money... 罗先生的电信公司退休基金
      [02:25.98]...which was millions. 总共有好几百万元
      [02:27.55]Yeah! 好耶
      [02:29.62]It was a way to another place. 我能靠他得到幸福
      [02:33.29]Wow, this is... 喔,这样
      [02:35.79]This is the way to watch a football game here. 这样看球赛才过瘾
      [02:37.96]- Thank you very much for this, really. - Hey, it’s my pleasure, Chris. -多谢了 -别这么说,克里斯
      [02:41.26]And, Mr. Ribbon, I also wanna thank you for giving me the opportunity... 我想谢谢你给我机会
      [02:44.73]...to discuss the asset management capabilities3 of Dean Witter... 谈谈添惠证券的理财方案

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
