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时间:2015-03-04 21:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:55.60]There was a beautiful girl in that class. 班上有一个大美女 [03:57.97]I cant remember her name, but her face was so... 我忘了名字,不过她有够 [04:00.54]Ive seen an old friend of mine. Do you mind? 抱歉,我看
  •   [03:55.60]There was a beautiful girl in that class. 班上有一个大美女
      [03:57.97]I can’t remember her name, but her face was so... 我忘了名字,不过她有够
      [04:00.54]I’ve seen an old friend of mine. Do you mind? 抱歉,我看到一位老朋友 您介意吗?
      [04:03.08]- No, go ahead. - Good talking to you, sir. -去吧 -很高兴跟你聊天
      [04:35.38]Hey, asshole. Are you all right, asshole? 臭小子 你没事吧?
      [04:39.61]Are you okay? What were you thinking? 你没事吧? 你疯了吗?
      [04:42.68]What are you doing? I could’ve killed you. 我差点把你撞死
      [04:45.09]I’m trying to cross the street. 我只是想过马路
      [04:47.56]- Well, you’re all right? - Yeah, yeah. -你没事吧? -没事
      [04:51.36]- Where’s my shoe? - What? 我的鞋子呢?
      [04:53.13]- You knocked off my shoe! - I don’t know where your shoe is. -我的鞋子被你撞掉了 -我不知道在哪里
      [04:58.37]- Where’s my damn shoe? - I don’t know. -我的鞋子呢? -不知道
      [00:09.44]- Did you see it? I lost my shoe. - No, I’m sorry. -你有没有看到?我的鞋 -没有,抱歉
      [00:12.91]Hey. Hey, where are you going? 嘿,嘿,你要去哪里?
      [00:16.48]- We should wait for the police. - I gotta go to work. -我们应该等警察来 -我得去上班
      [00:20.09]Hey, you just got hit by a car. Go to the hospital. 你被车撞到,最好去医院
      [00:24.16]I’m in a competitive internship1 at Dean Witter. 我是添惠证券公司的实习生
      [00:38.27]Hey, man, you’re missing a shoe. 你少了一只鞋子
      [00:40.14]Oh, yeah, thanks. Thank you. 是啊,多谢提醒哦
      [00:50.05]Dad. 爸

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
