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时间:2015-03-04 21:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:06.36]...even baby-sit for them, do whatever it takes to familiarize them... 甚至替他们带小孩 就要尽力推销我们的理财服务 [02:09.83]...with our packages. We need you to match their needs and goals... 说服他们加入
  •   [02:06.36]...even baby-sit for them, do whatever it takes to familiarize them... 甚至替他们带小孩 就要尽力推销我们的理财服务
      [02:09.83]...with our packages. We need you to match their needs and goals... 说服他们加入我们的
      [02:12.97]...to one of our many financial plans. In essence, you reel them in... 理财计划 只要放长线
      [02:18.11]...we’ll cook the fish. 就能钓到大鱼
      [02:21.01]Some of you are here because you know somebody. 有些人的人脉很广
      [02:23.25]Some of you are here because you think you’re somebody. 有些人自以为是大人物
      [02:25.91]There’s one guy in here who’s gonna be somebody. 不过只有一个人会被录用
      [02:28.62]That person’s gonna be the guy... 他必须创下
      [02:31.02]...who can turn this into this. 最高的业绩
      [02:33.49]Eight hundred thousand in commission dollars. 替公司赚到80万元的佣金
      [02:37.09]You, you, help me hand these out. 你们帮忙传给其他人
      [02:39.76]This is going to be your bible. 这会是你们的 “圣经”
      [02:43.03]You’ll eat with it. 吃饭睡觉
      [02:44.57]- You’ll drink with it. - It was simple. -都要抱着它 -很简单
      [02:46.47]X number of calls equals X number of prospects6. 每一通电话都是一线希望
      [02:49.64]X number of prospects equals X number of customers. 每一线希望都代表一名客户
      [02:52.87]X number of customers equals X number of dollars... 每一名客户 就代表

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
