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时间:2015-02-04 21:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:56.77]威尔伯旺卡 Wilbur Wonka. [02:58.88](威尔伯旺卡牙医诊所) [03:05.62]来... Now... [03:07.45]看看今年用什么来害人 lets see what the damage is this year, shall we? [03:24.40]牛奶糖 Caramels. [03:26.77]吃这个
  •   [02:56.77]威尔伯·旺卡 Wilbur Wonka.
      [03:05.62]来... Now...
      [03:07.45]看看今年用什么来害人 let’s see what the damage is this year, shall we?
      [03:24.40]牛奶糖 Caramels.
      [03:26.77]吃这个会卡在牙套上  对吧? They’d get stuck in your braces, wouldn’t they?
      [03:34.51]棒棒糖 Lollipops.
      [03:37.05]应该叫它"插在棒子上的蛀牙" Ought to be called "cavities on a stick."
      [03:41.52]然后还有这些... Then we have all this...
      [03:43.59]这一大堆... All this...
      [03:45.42]巧克力 chocolate.
      [00:16.07]说不定我不会过敏 Maybe I’m not allergic.
      [00:18.48]让我吃一小块看看 I could try a piece.
      [00:20.21]真的吗? Really?
      [00:22.08]何必冒这个险呢? But why take a chance?
      [00:39.63]旺卡先生? Mr. Wonka? Mr. Wonka?
      [00:42.63]-旺卡先生  我们要过隧道了 -对了 -We’re headed for a tunnel. -Oh, yeah.
      [00:45.34]全速前进 Full speed ahead.
      [00:53.34]-他们怎么看得到前面的路? -他们看不到 -How can they see where they’re going? -They can’t.
      [00:56.68]他们完全不知道船往哪儿去 There’s no knowing where they’re going.
      [00:59.12]开灯! Switch on the lights!
      [00:63.96]我上星期才看到一篇报导 那是一本重要的医学期刊 You know, just last week, I was reading in a very important medical journal

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
