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时间:2014-12-24 20:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:16.19]But we, you know, coached him up a little bit. [02:29.75]Hello, Mom. [02:31.12]Did you know that to be eligible for a division one scholarship [02:33.71]Michaels gonna need to make it a 2.5 gpa? [02:37.63]Really? [02:38.21]His ACT
  •   [02:16.19]But we, you know, coached him up a little bit.
      [02:29.75]Hello, Mom.
      [02:31.12]Did you know that to be eligible for a division one scholarship
      [02:33.71]Michael’s gonna need to make it a 2.5 gpa?
      [02:38.21]His ACT is low and I don’t see him doing
      [02:40.51]Any better if he retakes it right there.
      [02:42.88]-What’s his gpa now?  -1.76.
      [02:47.02]Oh, that’s not too bad, when you consider where he started.
      [02:49.26]He’s gonna make it all A’s this year.
      [02:52.31]I’m serious. And that might not even be enough.
      [02:56.03]So he goes to junior college?
      [02:58.56]Most inner city kids that go to JC drop out in the first year.
      [03:01.23]His shot at the pros would go out the window.
      [03:04.58]Are we even sure he’s gonna get college offers?
      [03:10.27]Michael, Nick Saban from LSU.
      [03:12.37]I’m looking forward to you’re coming down and visit us sometime.
      [03:15.21]Gready. I’m Lou Holtz form South Carolina.
      [03:17.62]I’m call...
      [03:18.33]We’re very interested in having Michael
      [03:20.62]Over to Knoxville for a visit.
      [03:23.04]Phil Fulmer, from Tennessee?

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