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时间:2014-08-24 22:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.96]It was teady. The john, I mean 我的意思是 厕所是不动的 [00:07.17]But youd keep bobbing like an idiot 你却像个白痴一样不停的晃 [00:11.17]You can get off a ship all right But off the ocean 你可以安然无恙的
  •   [00:03.96]It was teady. The john, I mean 我的意思是  厕所是不动的
      [00:07.17]But you'd keep bobbing like an idiot 你却像个白痴一样不停的晃
      [00:11.17]You can get off a ship all right But off the ocean 你可以安然无恙的离开船  但是却不可能离开大海
      [00:15.43]I was just closing 马上要关门了
      [00:17.89]What can I do for you? 需要点什么
      [00:21.14]When I boarded, I was 24 years old 当我登上这船的时候才24岁
      [00:24.85]And I only cared about one thing in life 一生中我只在乎一件事
      [00:30.07]Playing the trumpet 演奏小号
      [00:37.36]I'm selling it 我要卖这个
      [00:43.70]Conn 康恩
      [00:45.66]Not bad 不错
      [00:53.17]Best brass money can buy 黄铜是最好的
      [00:58.72]Six pounds, ten shillings Best I can do 最高出六磅七先令
      [01:02.35]That horn's my whole life, mister 先生  这是我的全部
      [01:04.72]Even being a nobody 即使我不是什么名人
      [01:06.43]has got to be worth more than twenty lousy bucks 至少也值20美元
      [01:09.02]It that's how things are, I suppose it's barely worth half a crown 事情就是这样  我认为连二先令都不值
      [01:15.32]Shut the door when you leave please 走后请关门
      [01:23.11]Okay, pops 好吧  老爹
      [01:25.49]you win 你赢了
      [01:30.20]You just bought yourself a piece of musical history 你刚买了一部分音乐史
      [01:35.42]Now if you want my advice 如果你想要我的建议
      [01:39.84]go out, treat yourself to a decent meal 去吃顿好的
      [02:02.65]At least let me play it one last time 至少让我在吹一次
      [02:05.11]Young man I don't have time to waste 我没有时间
      [02:10.53]All right 好吧

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
