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时间:2014-08-19 17:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:40.08]But what he really should have done 可我觉得他真正应该做的是 [02:41.91]is just told those parents to go to hell. 告诉她的父母,让他们见鬼去 [02:43.75]Just stick it where the sun dont shine. 不管怎么样都
  •   [02:40.08]But what he really should have done  可我觉得他真正应该做的是
      [02:41.91]is just told those parents to go to hell.  告诉她的父母,让他们见鬼去
      [02:43.75]Just stick it where the sun don't shine.  不管怎么样都坚持下去
      [02:45.62]Yeah, you're right, probably should have.  是啊,你说得对 也许他是该那么做
      [02:50.36]The next day, Allie woke up  第二天 艾丽一觉醒来
      [02:52.69]to find her world completely changed.  发现她的世界完全改变了
      [03:02.60]What's going on?  出了什么事?
      [03:04.57]We're going home.  我们要回家了
      [03:07.44]- We're going now? - Mm-hmm.  - 现在就走? - 是的
      [03:08.97]No, we're not supposed to be leaving for another week.  不是说还有一个礼拜才走的吗?
      [03:11.48]Get dressed and then come and have some breakfast, dear.  亲爱的,穿好衣服 然后来吃点早饭
      [03:14.21]Willow will pack your things.  威洛会帮你收拾行李的
      [03:15.75]Why, I'd be happy to pack your things, Miss Allie.  艾丽小姐 很乐意帮您收拾东西
      [03:17.85]I don't want you to pack my things.  我不要你帮我收拾
      [03:19.18]I don't want you to touch my stuff. I'm not going.  我不许你碰我的东西 我不走
      [03:21.35]- Yes, you are. - No, I'm not.  - 不,你要走 - 不,我不走
      [03:22.85]- Yes, Allie, you are. - No, I'm not.  - 艾丽,你要走 - 我不走
      [03:25.06]Allie, you are going whether you like it or not.  走也得走,不走也得走
      [03:27.76]Now, even if Aaron has to throw you over his shoulder  就算是让亚伦扛着你 一路拖着你走
      [03:30.53]and drag you the whole way, you're going.  也得把你拖回去 你必须得走
      [03:38.54]Excuse me.  请原谅
      [03:39.74]- All right, let's go. - Come on.  - 好吧,我们走 - 来吧
      [03:41.04]We have to have all these done by lunch.  午饭前必须把这些事情搞定
      [03:42.77]Come on, get on!  来,干活儿了!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
