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时间:2014-08-19 17:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:21.90]They got every cop in town out looking for her. 他们把镇上所有的警察 都叫出来找她了 [01:36.88]- You sent the police for me? - Yes. - 你们派警察来找我? - 是的 [01:39.45]It is two in the morning. We sent
  •   [01:21.90]They got every cop in town out looking for her.  他们把镇上所有的警察 都叫出来找她了
      [01:36.88]- You sent the police for me? - Yes.  - 你们派警察来找我? - 是的
      [01:39.45]It is two in the morning. We sent the police.  现在已经是凌晨两点了 我们不得不报警
      [01:41.75]Thank God you're all right. Where you been?  谢天谢地你安然无恙 你去哪儿了?
      [01:44.99]Mr. Hamilton, all this is my fault.  汉密尔顿先生 这都是我的错
      [01:47.06]Would you give us a moment please?  能让我们单独谈会儿吗?
      [01:49.03]I'd like to talk to my daughter.  我想和我女儿谈谈
      [01:51.96]Alone, young lady.  进房间去,年轻人
      [02:00.31]Thanks for everything, Lieutenant.  中尉,麻烦你们了
      [02:02.71]You bet, John, anytime.  小事一桩,约翰 随时为您效劳
      [02:04.84]You go straight home now, it's late.  直接回家吧,很晚了
      [02:13.95]Sir, it's really not her fault.  先生,这真的不是她的错
      [02:15.62]I lost track of time.  我忘了时间了
      [02:18.92]Sit down.  坐下
      [02:30.90]I'm sorry, Daddy.  对不起,爸爸
      [02:36.41]- Is he a rapist? - No.  - 他是强奸犯吗? - 不是
      [02:44.75]- Like what, mother? - You are going to stop seeing Noah.  - 怎么了,妈妈? - 你不能再和诺亚见面了
      [02:49.02]She is out fooling around with that boy till 2:00 in the morning  凌晨两点钟了 她还和那个男孩在外面瞎转悠
      [02:51.82]and it has got to stop.  不能再这样下去了
      [02:54.16]I didn't spend 17 years of my life  我把你养这么大
      [02:55.96]raising a daughter and giving her everything...  供你吃,供你穿……
      [02:59.26]so she could throw it away on a summer romance.  不是为了让你就这样堕落的!
      [03:01.13]Daddy, come on!  爸爸,你说句话啊!
      [03:02.17]She will wind up with her heart broken or pregnant.  这样的结果只有两个 要么是心灵受到伤害,要么就是怀孕

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
