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时间:2014-08-11 21:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:31.21]Excuse me. 打扰了 [02:36.08]Come on, honey, lets get you ready for bed. 来吧亲爱的 该准备上床睡觉了 [02:51.66]I am no one special, 我,没有什么特别的 [02:53.79]just a common man with common thoughts. 只是一
  •   [02:31.21]Excuse me.  打扰了
      [02:36.08]Come on, honey, let's get you ready for bed.  来吧亲爱的 该准备上床睡觉了
      [02:51.66]I am no one special,  我,没有什么特别的
      [02:53.79]just a common man with common thoughts.  只是一个 有着普通想法的普通人
      [02:56.76]I've led a common life.  过着普通的生活
      [02:59.07]There are no monuments dedicated to me.  没有人为我 立碑著书,歌功颂德
      [03:01.00]And my name will soon be forgotten.  我的名字也将 很快被人遗忘
      [03:04.14]But in one respect,  但是在一件事情上
      [03:05.97]I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived.  我比任何其他人都要成功
      [03:09.54]- Looking good, Duke. - Feeling good.  - 气色不错,公爵 - 我感觉也很好
      [03:11.68]I've loved another with all my heart  我全心全意地爱着一个人
      [03:13.48]and soul and for me that has always been enough.  而且对我来说 这就足够了
      [03:17.55]How's it hanging, Harry?  情况怎么样,哈里?
      [03:18.99]I keep trying to die, but they won't let me.  这年头,想死都死不了
      [03:21.72]Well, you can't have everything.  行了,哪能事事如愿呢
      [03:26.93]Big day today.  今天天气可真好
      [03:28.20]You say that every day, you old devil.  你每天都这么说 老不正经
      [03:32.27]It's a lovely day outside.  今天天气很好
      [03:34.27]Let's take a walk.  我们出去走走吧
      [03:36.54]I don't think so.  我不想出去
      [03:37.64]Well, we've got to get you out of this room.  您不能老呆在房里
      [03:39.97]Come on now, honey. Some fresh air  来吧亲爱的 出去呼吸点新鲜空气吧
      [03:41.61]- would do you good. - Hello.  - 对您有好处 - 你们好
      [03:45.85]I'm sorry, it's not a good day.  很抱歉,今天看来不行
      [03:48.35]I don't think she's up for anything.  她好像什么都不想干
      [03:50.35]Hello?  你好?
      [03:53.35]This is Duke, he's come to read to you.  这位是Duke 他是来给您读书的
      [03:57.39]- Read? - Mm-hmm.  - 读书? - 没错

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本台词      
